Hi all!
I'm pretty new on this forum, so I hope I'm posting this in right place. I've created a volume, one lun inside and I'm having a problem that volume seems full. But, according to my logic there should be some space free.
NAS-SC-01-B> vol status
Volume State Status Options
vol0 online raid_dp, flex root, create_ucode=on
VM_SYSTEM online raid_dp, flex create_ucode=on
VM_DATA_B online raid_dp, flex create_ucode=on
NAS-SC-01-B> df -h VM_SYSTEM
Filesystem total used avail capacity Mounted on
/vol/VM_SYSTEM/ 950GB 950GB 0GB 100% /vol/VM_SYSTEM/
/vol/VM_SYSTEM/.snapshot 50GB 150MB 49GB 0% /vol/VM_SYSTEM/.snapshot
NAS-SC-01-B> df -s VM_SYSTEM
Filesystem used saved %saved
/vol/VM_SYSTEM/ 996147200 0 0%
NAS-SC-01-B> lun show
/vol/VM_DATA_B/lun0 239.0g (256647364608) (r/w, online, mapped)
/vol/VM_SYSTEM/lun0 805.0g (864406208512) (r/w, online, mapped)
I'm unable to raise snapshot reserved space:
NAS-SC-01-B> snap reserve VM_SYSTEM 6
snap reserve: Not enough space to set the desired percentage.
Snapshot operation failed: No space left on device.
What am I doing wrong?