General info :
NetApp Oncommand : 8.2.5 7-Mode
VMWare : 6.5
Windows Server : 2012 R2
I've got a LUN that is setup specifically for one machine. This machine has 4 drives, with a total disk space allocatoin that would require 1.5 TB. The LUN it resides on, is currently 2.6 TB. I'm wanting to resize the LUN so I can get back the 1.1 TB of space that's not needed. I've shut off the snapshots that use to be there, and remove any old ones that existed. Regardless what I do, the NetApp still says that I'm using up the 2.6 TB of disk space which is likely because of the prior blocks that have been written as well as where the data was written.
My thoughts :
Vmotion the storage to another LUN.
I'm thinking it would have to create another LUN that could hold the 1.5 TB total disk space for the Vmotion. I'd make a LUN with 1.6 TB, yes I would have a 100Gig extra, but that's much better than wasting 1.1 TB. Once vmotioned over, the unused space would be freed up and not written to the new LUN.
I'm thinking I'll have to then delete the old 2.6 TB LUN and VOL to completely recover the disk space.
To me this sounds straight forward, but that's what worries me. I'm sure there are many ways to accomplish this task, but is what I'm suggesting one of the more plausable solutions? Am I missing something that I'm not thinking about?
This is the first time I've posted here, so forgive me if I've misplaced this request.
Above all, thanks in advance for your constructive input.
Let me know, thx.