ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
Hi folks,
we try to clone a SQL production database directly to a SQL testsystem (SAP systemcopy) using SnapManager SQL 5.0.
Both server are connected to our FAS3140. Cloning of the database to the local server works great.
As soon as we select a remote SQL Server in the cloning wizard we get following error message:
Unknown error: 0x80131501
Even with debugging enabled we dont get much more information:
~NtapSnapMgrSqlRemote: Exception, Error code: 0x80004003 [Value cannot be null.]
Has anyone ever tried to implemnet this scenario?
prod server: Windows 2008 server 64 bit running in a vmware virtual machine using physically mapped raw devices
test system: Windows 2008 server 64 bit running in a vmware virtual machine using physically mapped raw devices
SnapManager SQL 5.0.1
Snapdrive 6.1.x
Cloning to local system, disconnecting clone luns, connecting clone luns to test system, attaching database works fine but is extra work and extra time....
Any ideas how to proceed?
Thanks and regards
Hi Gerhard,
Do you have SMSQL installed on the remote SQL server host as well?
Hi sourav,
yes I have installed SNMSQL on the test system. I can even manage it from inside the snmsql mmc plugin of the production system....
Thanks and regards
This is quasi-related. Last night my previously successful SMSQL backups of local SQL Databases failed. I use a remote SQL Server to verify the backups, and that is what failed. The backups went fine, but the remote verification failed with the following in the log files.
[01:00:53.109] Collecting verification information...
[01:00:53.109] Getting database backup information from SnapInfo file...
[01:00:53.114] Initializing SnapManager server on remote machine [XXXXXX]...
[01:00:53.114] Remote server is connected...
[01:00:53.122] NtapSnapMgrSqlRemote::ConnectToSQLServer: Error code: 0x80131501
[01:00:53.123] You are connecting to an earlier version SnapManager server.
[01:00:53.123] Please upgrade your SnapManager for SQL Server on XXXXXX.[01:00:53.124] Error Code: 0xc0040830
The selected verification server has an older version of SnapManager installed. Please upgrade SnapManager on the verification server and retry the operation.
[01:00:53.124] Failed to validate verification server [XXXXXX] on host [XXXXXX].[01:00:53.125] Error Code: 0xc0040830
The selected verification server has an older version of SnapManager installed. Please upgrade SnapManager on the verification server and retry the operation.
[01:00:53.125] Database verification information was not updated.
[01:00:53.126] There is an error during database verification.
This actually failed last night on two separate sql server boxes that are set to do remote verifications to the same remote server. Previous verifications to the remote server have worked just fine and I have 7 days of logs showing success on both servers. There were no software changes on SMSQL on either server. Trying to work out if any changes were made to users on the OS or SQL Server side of things now.
You may want to restart the SnapMgrService on the remote SQL Server when you see error 0x80131501.
qzhang wrote:
You may want to restart the SnapMgrService on the remote SQL Server when you see error 0x80131501.
Thanks, I'll try that. Just as an update, no permissions changes occurred on any of the three servers last night. On top of that, a manual "Backup and Verfy" with the option "Verify most recent unverified snapshot backups only" worked without any issue. I think I'll let it run tonight on schedule and if it happens again, look at the SQL Agent jobs on both SQL Servers that are being backed up. Even though they have not been changed, that's where I'm leaning now that a manual run worked fine.
I think I finally nailed this down. I was getting these same errors again over the weekend. But in combination with it, I was not getting any backup alerts from my server that acts as my remote verification server as well. Turns out SQL Agent on that server was set to Manual startup, and the server was rebooted on Saturday morning. I changed the startup to Automatic, started SQL Agent, and all my SQL backup Jobs that use that remote verifcation server ran without issue.
So, these errors in my Backup Logs
[07:22:35.788] Collecting verification information...
[07:22:35.788] Getting database backup information from SnapInfo file...
[07:22:35.802] Initializing SnapManager server on remote machine [XXXXXX]...
[07:22:35.802] Remote server is connected...
[07:22:35.810] NtapSnapMgrSqlRemote::ConnectToSQLServer: Error code: 0x80131501
[07:22:35.811] You are connecting to an earlier version SnapManager server.
[07:22:35.812] Please upgrade your SnapManager for SQL Server on XXXXXX.
[07:22:35.813] Error Code: 0xc0040830
The selected verification server has an older version of SnapManager installed. Please upgrade SnapManager on the verification server and retry the operation.
[07:22:35.813] Failed to validate verification server [XXXXXX] on host [XXXXXX].
appear to be caused by the SQL Agent not running on that remote verification server.
See BUG: http://mysupport.netapp.com/NOW/cgi-bin/bol?Type=Detail&Display=826264 this may resolve the issue
Remove the replication flag from the clone database using the following T-SQL statement: sp_removedbreplication 'dbname' EXAMPLE: A replicated database named MyDB is cloned. The clone is named MyDB__Clone. To remove the replication flag, issue the following command. sp_removedbreplication 'MyDB__Clone'