ONTAP Discussions

Snapmanager with snapvault or snapmirrror integration


I am using snapmanager for sharepoint products, and am looking at snapmirror and snapvault integration.  This is to protect the snapmanager backups.  But wanted to know the difference between snapmirror and snapvault backups. Which one is better or ideal to use, or does it depend on your requirements.  Looking at some of the documents I see the main advantage snapvault over snapmirror is the snapshot scheduling whereby you can keep on snapshots or backup rententions, with snapmirror its just overrides the current snapshot on the secondary and copies over whatever snapshot on the source.

Is this correct.

Any advise on the snapvault and snapmirror integration.




So you are right.

The technologies are designed for slightly different requirements.

SnapMirror is a DR solution and is used to ensure you have an exact mirror of the data in production on a secondary filer, so all data, snapshots, snapshot retentions are identical at both ends.

SnapVault however is a backup technology so you can have different retention rules etc on your backup site to those housed in production.

So very much down to your requirement, you can however do both you can vault and mirror or mirror and vault, depending on what your needs are.
