I've been trying to repair a couple of my snapmirrors that have failed to link up. I recreated a SQL backup and deleted the old broken snapmirror SQL link. Deleted find, but the next day it showed back up red "idle with restart checkpoint" "destination must be restricted...". When I try and delete it in the GUI "oncommand" I get the error. "Data ONTAP API Failed: Snapmirror error: No release-able destination found that matches those parameters. (Error: 13102)" When I SSH to the SAN I get a simalar error may not have permission to resource. The Vol it's trying to reach is deleted due to the actions yesterday. I read an old artical "Snapmirror Cleanup" stating to release it, yet i get the same error, "source is offline, is restricted, or does not exist".
How do I get ride of that snapmirror link?