ONTAP Discussions

Snapmirror config change from 10 Gig to 1Gig


Hi Experts, I have a question on how do we can change the existing snapmirror configuration to use 1Gig network instead of 10Gig network.

Setup :

Netapp Filer FAS2220 with two VIF interface on site1,

VIF interface 10Gig --> site1 (alias name in dns)

VIF interface 1Gig --> site1bak (alias name in dns)

Netapp Filer FAS2220 with two VIF interface on site2,

VIF interface 10Gig --> site2 (alias name in dns)

VIF interface 1Gig --> site2bak (alias name in dns)

Currently all the snapmirror configuration from site1 to site2 are as follow:

site1:vol0 site2:vol0_dr

Currently we are not sure whether data is flowing through 10Gig ports or 1Gig ports of Netapp filer. Our objective is that the data should flow through the 1 Gig ports (site1bak & site2bak)

Please confirm how do we can make changes in existing configuration to use 1Gig port and then after that how we can verify if data is flowing through the 1Gig network/10Gig network.

I am planning to just change the /etc/snapmirror.conf file with below details, and then data will flow through the 1Gig port interface without any impact on existing config.

site1bak:vol0 site2:vol0_dr



You can't just do that (unless your filer names are site1bak and site2, which I doubt they are).  You have to set up a connection name in snapmirror.conf.  For example, put something like this in the beginning part of snapmirror.conf

# "connection" is just a name I chose.  You can make up your own name...

connection=multi(site1bak,site2bak)    # assuming site1bak and site2bak are DNS or host file defined addresses.  If not, use actual numeric IP addresses




connection:vol0 site2filer:vol0_dr - 0 * * *   # of course substitute the appropriate values for your configuration.

Hope that helps.  Read up on snapmirror connection names if you need more clarification on how to use them.
