ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
I have a client who wants a daily backup report for Snapmirrors/vaults
In the past I have written powershell scripts to parse the snapmirror status command and look for lags over x hours etc.
Does the OnCommand suite provide any backup reporting to meet this requirement? It would need to be a daily email for compliance purposes.
I think you can build a custom Report using OCUM or with OC Report and can send it via email.
Certainly… have a look at the capabilities of the OnCommand management suite (download oncommand host or core from support.netapp.com) that will give you full reports of your SnapMirrro jobs…
Per paulstringfellow's response, OpsMgr has both canned reports (under the Data Protection category) as well as the ability to create a custom report based on "SnapMirrorRelationship" attributes. I lean towards the custom report in that I can generate a very simple report with "source" "destination" "lag" "state" and "status" which at a glances tells you what mirror relationships are out of whack. The Data Protection reports will give you the vault relationship information.
We rely upon a custom report just to make sure that everything that should be mirrored is and also to make sure we don't have any old/broken snapmirror relationships that are cluttering up our event logs. All reports can be scheduled/emailed..
Good luck!
I am new to OPs manager . guide me the way to reach data production category
Reached Data production category