ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
Hello All,
As more of our customers roll out Systems Manager 2.0 we're getting more and more complaints about poor performance.
is anyone else have issues with System Manager 2.0 moving between screens, and just the general speed and productivity of getting things done on it?
Demos are even more akward.
Can someone give me some tips on enabling it to some how cache the information the first time?
We have exactly same problems. Especially with Data
Ontap >8.01/8.1 on 7 Mode and as well especially with https or ssh enabled.
As soon only http or telnet speed is ok. No solution so far.
Yes!.. I have been using SM 2.0R1 for some time. Not only is it sluggish, but its full of bugs and weird behavior. I keep checking for a new version.
it's good to know we're not the only ones with this problem.
I'm also running 8.1 on 7-mode, I havn't tested it out on the earlier versions of Ontap.
Maybe someone will stumble on this thread and shed some light on what's going on.
No.. You are not the only one. Here is a good thread to follow - https://communities.netapp.com/thread/17531 I am running SM 2.0r1 on 7.3.2, and a couple of newer Simulators. I dont think its the Ontap OS.
What is the browser you are using for running System Manager?
From: c-xdl-communities
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2011 1:10 AM
To: Das, Amrita
Subject: - Re: System Manager 2.0r1 extremely poor performance
NetApp Online Community <https://communities.netapp.com/index.jspa>
Re: System Manager 2.0r1 extremely poor performance
created by CCOLEMAN_ <https://communities.netapp.com/people/CCOLEMAN_> in Products & Solutions - View the full discussion <https://communities.netapp.com/message/70640#70640> <http://media.netapp.com/images/divider-600x3.jpg>
it's good to know we're not the only ones with this problem.
I'm also running 8.1 on 7-mode, I havn't tested it out on the earlier versions of Ontap.
Maybe someone will stumble on this thread and shed some light on what's going on.
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Under Vista SP2 it starts automatically in default browser IE7.
And it is really slow.
Is it across the product? OR specific pages for e.g. dashboard that has this slowness?
Also are you on VPN by any chance?
From: c-xdl-communities
Sent: Monday, January 02, 2012 10:53 AM
To: Das, Amrita
Subject: - Re: System Manager 2.0r1 extremely poor performance
NetApp Online Community <https://communities.netapp.com/index.jspa>
Re: System Manager 2.0r1 extremely poor performance
created by aborzenkov <https://communities.netapp.com/people/aborzenkov> in Products & Solutions - View the full discussion <https://communities.netapp.com/message/70768#70768> <http://media.netapp.com/images/divider-600x3.jpg>
Under Vista SP2 it starts automatically in default browser IE7.
And it is really slow.
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I did not work long with it, but opening list of disks takes several minutes (with 17 DS4243 total).
I have tried both IE 8 and Chrome.
But across pretty much all of our customer sites and all filers we have installed, it seems to lag very badly.
This totally messes up the user experience for new NetApp customers, and it hurts us while doing demos.
Please help!
I also forgot to mention that i'm seeing this problem on local networks. We're not vpned in or on some remote site. Even if I plug into the same switch as the NetApp this problem occurs.
Firefox over IE
IE 8 over IE 7
latest Flash and JRE versions
1. Under Windows I simply do not have any choice. I have shortcut which opens in default browser. And I cannot set Firefox as default browser because it would break far too many sites I use. So it opens in IE.
2. I have workplace that is maintained by central department. I have no choice which versions I may install. I do not have IE8 nor do I have the latest Java.
I do not think I am alone. It is appealing to develop for the latest and the greatest versions only, but it is not the end of the world.
And to be honest - system manager does not offer so much more functiotnality than FilerView to explain such slowdown ...
I was in the same boat you are in with a customer,
you can set System Manager to use firefox with out making firefox your default browser
Open up System Manager > Tools > Options > change directory to browser
I will try and install the latest flash and jre... I hope that helps..
Also is it possible to log support cases for these issues? This helps us track and resolve these better.
From: c-xdl-communities
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2012 9:50 PM
To: Das, Amrita
Subject: - Re: System Manager 2.0r1 extremely poor performance
Re: System Manager 2.0r1 extremely poor performance
created by CCOLEMAN_<https://communities.netapp.com/people/CCOLEMAN_> in Products & Solutions - View the full discussion<https://communities.netapp.com/message/71681#71681>
I was in the same boat you are in with a customer,
you can set System Manager to use firefox with out making firefox your default browser
Open up System Manager > Tools > Options > change directory to browser
https://communities.netapp.com/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/2-71681-14381/450-361/sysman.png <https://communities.netapp.com/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/2-71681-14381/sysman.png>
I will try and install the latest flash and jre... I hope that helps..
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having the same problem, especially when trying to list multiple volumes, vfilers, etc ...
Hi Stephen,
Could you please open a support case with NetApp?
From: c-xdl-communities
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2012 9:47 PM
To: Das, Amrita
Subject: - Re: System Manager 2.0r1 extremely poor performance
Re: System Manager 2.0r1 extremely poor performance
created by stephen2<https://communities.netapp.com/people/stephen2> in Products & Solutions - View the full discussion<https://communities.netapp.com/message/71680#71680>
having the same problem, especially when trying to list multiple volumes, vfilers, etc ...
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I had the same problems with System Manager 2.0, some tabs toke up to a minute to display all informations. Fortunately I could solve these problems by adding all Netapp heads to the local hosts file including the hostname and FQDN. I got this hint yesterday on the Tech OnTap. The behavior is now like day and night! It seems the application has a serious problem solving the DNS names of the filers.
For those who don't know how to work with the hosts file:
On a Windows 7 machine, the hosts file is found at C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc. Edit the File named "hosts" with a text editor like Notepad and add a line for each Netapp head like this <IP> <Hostname> <FQDN>:
192.168.0.x filer1 filer1.mydomain.com
Thanks Stephan, adding the controllers to the hosts file does seem to improve performance to quite an extent.
adding the hostname in hosts file solved our problem. thanks Stephan..
It has to do with DNS configuration! Please be sure that the FAS System is in the Hosts File with IP-Adress and Hostname. You will find the file here C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc
The Performance will improve immediately !