We have a very large CIFS share (approx. 300,000 files, 3TB). Some of the sub-folders have become owned by "Creator Owner". Even with full administrative rights we are unable to change security permissions on these folders or take ownership.
We have tried the takeown.exe, ICACLS.exe, SetACL.exe (third-party) commands without success. 'Access Denied' is the result. We have also tried accessing the shares on the NetApp via Windows Computer Management.
We have tried removing the CIFS share and changing the security style of the qtree to Unix and then via an NFS export running chown and chmod to give root ownership and full access. We have also tried copying the data to a new qtree via NFS. No luck with any of this. When a new CIFS share is created, the bad NTFS security permissions are remembered and access is denied.
Any advice on how to remove or change the NTFS security permissions would be appreciated. Ideally, we would like to grant Administrator or Domain Admins ownership and full access to all folders and files.
We are running Data ONTAP Release 8.0.2P3 7-Mode