I’m a bit confused with the space some volumes are reporting.
I have
- 710Gb Volume (Fractional Reserve 20% / Snap Reserve 0)
- The volume contains a 460Gb lun of which 452GB is being used.
- My snapshots report 117 Gb used
Therefore I would expect space used by the volume to be
Volume – Lun used size – FractionalReserve - SnapShot Used
710 – 452 – 142 – 117 = -1
The volume actually reports 669Gb used and 41Gb free?
So from the figures above resulting in -1, I'm assuming that I'm using some of my Fractional Reserve for snapshots, however each snapshot is only about 15gb so I would expect the volume available space to get to 0 before Fractional Reserve starts being used. I can't see how you can see how much of the Fractiona Reserve is actually being use.
I’m sure I’m doing something wrong but just can’t see it.