The fallback-user parameter specifies a user on the target machine to receive the permissions of local (nondomain)source machine users
The fallback-group parameter specifies a group on the target machine to receive the permissions of local (nondomain)source machine users
For the fallback-user&group you can specify any user/group that can be found in Active Directory or is local to target filer; Say you have defined a local user on the source system, but this user does not exist on the destination system.
the -fallback-user field is used to assign a user on the destination in place of the user that is only on the source. The same is for the -fallback-group.
When XCP has to copy an ACE it has different rules depending on the ACE type that it encounters, per example:
• Active Directory ACE -> transfer it to target file unmodified;
• Built-in ACE -> same as for an Active Directory ACE;
• Local ACE -> replace the SID this ACE points to with the SID of the fallback-user or group;
Copying an ACL is done in two steps, first copy the inheritance flag and then process and copy the ACEs.
If "example.txt" has the following permissions on source:
• owner: builtin\administrator
• read permission: builtin\management group
• full access permission: netapp\xcp team
*builtin are local users on the source file system
XCP will transfer the file with the following permissions (command used: xcp copy -acl -fallback-user "netapp\administrator" -fallback-group "netapp\management group" <source> <target>):
• owner: netapp\administrator
• read permission: netapp\management group
• full access permission: netapp\xcp team
If you change the fallback user&group then the permissions will also be changed.
Hope this answer your question.