Hello Team, We are trying to create peer cluster setup using Ontap simulator 9.12.1. We have 2 node cluster setup and created logical interface on cluster1 to communicate using command : Cluster991::> net interface create -vserver Cluster991 -lif Cluster991-01_LIF1 -address -service-policy default-management -netmask -home-node Cluster991-01 -home-port e0d -status-admin up -failover-policy local-only -firewall-policy mgmt -auto-revert true -failover-group Default -is-dns-update-enabled false After that we tried to create peer cluster setup using command : Cluster9121::> cluster peer create -address-family ipv4 -peer-addrs -no-authentication true Error: command failed: The address family IPv4 of the specified peer addresses is not valid in the IPspace "Default": there are no operational local IPv4 intercluster LIFs available in the "Default" IPspace. Use the "network interface show" command to verify that required LIFs are present and operational on each cluster node. IP Address: Getting above error and configuration is not complete. Kindly suggest workaround/inputs to make peer cluster setup available. Thanks in advance. Regards, Shubhangi Ranvirkar
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Hi, we have a FAS2552 (Single Chassis switchless clustered). we need to replace the SFP in the port e0c/0c (it's still up and working but having events "FC target adapter 0c reports that it is receiving (RX) and transmit (TX) at a low level of power". Since the port is shared by both ethernet port e0c and FCoE port 0c. Also, e0c is one of the member of if-group. I don't know what is the proper way to shut down the port before I replace the SFP. Can someone help, please Thanks very much Aldous
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I want to change the IP address of the DNS server that was set up when OntapSelectDeploy was constructed. I checked the user guide and the command list of the real machine, but I could not find the change command. # DNS server information is written in the /etc/network/interface # I'll try to modify, but this file is READ ONLY! # edit /etc/network/interface Could you tell me how to solve it?
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In our applicaton, we are collecting the netapp data through CLI interface if we disable the interactive login for all the service accounts, what will be the impact for the application.
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