I recently noticed that our root aggregate, aggr0 is showing 100% utilized while the one and only flexible volume inside it, vol0, is being 3% filled. Though vol0 has space guarantee as "volume", the typical case would be somewhere around 95% or 96% of the aggr0 is being utilized for vol0 regardless of under laying disk capacities. (note that there are only three disks for the aggr0)
Since we are not using aggregate level snapshots, Can someone kindly explain what caused aggr0 to be 100% utilized?
Current state :
aggr0 367GB 367GB 0GB 100%
aggr0/.snapshot 0GB 18GB 0GB ---%
Typical state :
aggr0 744GB 711GB 33GB 96%
aggr0/.snapshot 0MB 1577MB 0MB ---%
Thanks you