ONTAP Discussions

error message:No enclosure services on (0g&0c) interface


Hi Experts,

I have been getting this alert on the node1 and same error on node2 with 0g & 0c interface. This message is there for some time now and hasn't been a problem until recently when two disks were replaced with disk ids 0c.41&0c.42. The disks are not showing up in any of the pool. The disk LED is green and shows no abnormal behavior. Is there a way to assign these disks to the storage system? Also can there be any other reason for disks not getting recognized and added to the spare pool by itself.

Please advice.





0c.41 and 0c.42 are probably the rightmost disks in a shelf (don't know for sure right now) and as such are required for enclosure service monitoring.

You probably just need to assign them to a filer's spare pool. To do so, use the commands

  disk assign 0c.41

  disk assign 0c.42

on the filer you want to assign them to. If the filer is a metrocluster, make sure you assign them to the correct pool (i.e. pool 0 or pool 1, depending on where you're missing spares) by using

  disk assign 0c.41 -p 0

  disk assign 0c.42 -p 0

for pool 0 or

  disk assign 0c.41 -p 1

  disk assign 0c.42 -p 1

for pool 1.

Afterwards, check if the error has been cleared.



Thank you Michel for the reply.

Here is what i got when i tried to manually assign the disk:

[rawat@******]$ sudo rsh ****** disk assign 0c.41

disk assign: Disk 0c.41 not accessible. Error 16 (disk does not exist)

disk    assign {<disk_name> | all | [-T <storage type>] -n <count> | auto} [-p <pool>] [-o <ownername>] [-s <sysid>] [-c block|zoned] [-f] - assign a disk to a filer or all unowned disks by specifying "all"  or <count> number of unowned disks

[rawat@******]$ sudo rsh ******* disk assign 0c.42

disk assign: Disk 0c.42 not accessible. Error 16 (disk does not exist)

disk    assign {<disk_name> | all | [-T <storage type>] -n <count> | auto} [-p <pool>] [-o <ownername>] [-s <sysid>] [-c block|zoned] [-f] - assign a disk to a filer or all unowned disks by specifying "all"  or <count> number of unowned disks

Now what?


Hmm... this probably needs to be debugged a bit more.

check the output of "storage show shelf" to see if there is any irregularity on the state of the disk ports (i.e. some *not* reporting as "OK").

Also, check "storage show disk" and probably even "storage show disk -a"

Did the ASUP reveal any problems? Or is the system status still reported as "normal" (can be seen for example when you open filerview in your browser)

Difficult to troubleshoot remotely

You can always open up a case with NetApp though

