ONTAP Discussions

pre-mounting the destination NAS volumes in 9.6p2


Can anyone tell me the current instructions for NetApp Release 9.6P2

for pre-mounting the destination NAS volumes


Here are the older version instructions but the whole section for namespace is missing in 9.6p2 



Breaking SnapMirror relationships

If a SnapMirror source volume becomes unavailable and you want to access the data from the SnapMirror destination volume, you must break the SnapMirror relationship. Access to the destination volume is changed from data protection (DP) to read/write (RW).

Before you begin

  • The SnapMirror destination volume must be in the quiesced or idle state.
  • The destination volume must be premounted into the destination Vserver namespace.
  • Protocol access, such as CIFS, NFS, and iSCSI, must be configured on the destination Vserver to enable client access.

About this task

You can use the destination volume to serve data while you repair or replace the source, until you can reestablish the original SnapMirror relationship configuration.

SnapMirror relationships are listed and managed from the Vserver that contains the destination volume.


  1. From the home page, double-click the appropriate storage system.
  2. Expand the Vservers hierarchy in the left navigation pane.
  3. Select the Vserver that contains the destination volume, and then click Protection.



  4. Select the SnapMirror relationship that you want to break and verify that the Transfer Status column displays either Idle or Quiesced.
    If the relationship needs to be quiesced, click Operations > Quiesce.
  5. Click Operations > Break .
  6. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Break.



  7. Verify that the Relationship State column displays Broken Off.



  8. Redirect client applications to the destination volume.
    The procedures for redirecting clients vary depending on the configuration of your environment. See the Data ONTAP documentation for more information.


The SnapMirror relationship is broken. The destination volume type changes from data protection (DP) read-only to read/write (RW). The system stores the base Snapshot copy for the data protection mirror relationship for later use.

After you finish

The best practice is to pre-mount the destination NAS volumes into the destination Vserver namespace as part of your disaster recovery configuration. If this was not done, you need to mount the volumes after breaking the SnapMirror relationship, to ensure that the volumes are accessible on the destination. You mount them into the namespace using the same junction path that the source volume was mounted to in the source Vserver. For details, see the task for mounting FlexVol volumes in the System Manager online Help.







Agree..the wording/section is not consistent in all the versions as I also observed through, however the logic remains same as given in the link (For cDOT8.2) you mentioned.


Breaking SnapMirror relationships is from 9.6:


In case you have any questions wrt namespace, feel free to ask.


