ONTAP Discussions

question about snapcenter plugin for vmware vsphere


hi all


we are currently running the following



NetApp Virtual Storage Console Appliance

NetApp Snapcenter plugin for VMware vSphere (Version 4.5)


we are only using the snapcenter for taking backups of datastores only.


we are plannign to upgrade our esxi to 8.0, and was wondering the following


1. if we are only taking backups of datastores only, do i only need the snapcenter plugin appliance? a while ago i remmeber running a windows server for snapcenter but currently can only find 1 snapcenter appliance (someone else was in charge for the migration of the last infrastructure)


2. if i were to upgrade the snapcenter server appliance, do i just follow this KB?

Upgrade from an earlier release of SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere (netapp.com)


3. if there is any information on upgrade path from 4.5 to the latest, can anybody point me to the right direction? i can onlyy find the path starting from 4.6


thanks in advance
