I was reading about snapmirror and got a question that i would like to share with you all.
From the Online backup guide:
"Multiplexing mode—SnapMirror uses both paths at the same time, essentially load balancing the
transfers. If one path fails, the transfers occur on the remaining path. After the failed path is
repaired, the transfers resume using both paths."
So, for instance if I have a VLAN dedicated to transfer SM data from one filer to another, lets say VLAN 2, if I assign two IPs to each filer on the same vlan and use them in multiplexing mode on a SM replica, will the multiplexing mode increase the transfer to twice (kbps=2000 on each channel) kbps = 4000?
filer 1 filer 2
IP1 ---2kbps--- IP1
filer 1 filer 2
IP1 ---2kbps-- IP1
IP2 ---2kbps--- IP2 (configured as an alias on the same vif)
On source and destination filers I have vif configured with LACP with switches supporting this config.
Thank you