ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
I am new to snapmirro hope someone can help me.
thsi is what i want
I have filer1 and filer 2
I see right now the snapmirror is running from filer1 to filer2 for a volume
I have two agreegate in filer2
aggr0 and aggr1
I want to snapmirror a volume vol1 from aggro to aggr1
Pls refer this link http://www.sysadmintutorials.com/tutorials/netapp/netapp-snapmirror-setup/
The links explains between two filers.
My aggrgates are whithin one filer.
IS it possible to sanpmirror the volumes between two aggregates in one filer?
Yes, you can snapmirror a volume to the same filer. But the target volume name must be different than the source. So from the CLI it would be:
snapmirror initialize -S filer01:/vol/vol1 filer01:/vol/vol2
I'm assuming you are looking to move the volume from one aggregate to another? If so, 'vol move' might be a better option but there are caveats to using that command for volumes that have CIFS shares or NFS exports.
Thank you for your help, I have another question on this, hope you can answer. I have a Lun which is attached to a windows server via snap drive
This is the path for that.
I am going to snap mirror the vol1 to vol1-b on aggregate1 from aggregate0
Will the lun path be like this below?