ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
I am trying to setup a snapmiror between 2 volumes, but keep getting unable to connect to the source filer whn initializing.
any idea?
Command line or GUI?
gui. also i have an old snapmirror relationship on the source filer and i cannot delete it
regarding the old snapmirror relationship, you can locate the snapmirror snapshots and delete them manually. Allow for a minute to show up with 'snapmirror status'.
check the (source) filer logs.
have you entered the filer's name in the snapmirror permissions?
Agreed... Check the snapmirror logs and see if there's anything in there and check that the systems are permitted to talk to each other. You say you have an old/existing SnapMirror relationship - was it between these two systems or different ones? I'd also be curious about the network configuration in the environment (ie, any firewalls between the two systems)..
where ae the snapmirror logs? the old relationship is between the same systems but the volumes have been destroyed. Thee is no firewall between the 2 networks and both filers are pingable from each other
Can you ping the IP address of the source filer ok? If you have other snapmirrors running from this same filer, then its not an issue with networking or routing. snapmirror.conf configured wrong perhaps.? Check the entry
What errors messages are out putted to the syslog/console when the intialization fails? look in the /etc/messages file.
do a telnet to destination: telnet <destination> <port number>
traceroute to the destination from source and vice-versa
can you please sent the command you are using to create the relationship and initiate.
thank you,
yes all ports are listenig on source and dest.
i use oncommand gui for snapmiror.
OK! are you doing vsm or qsm or volume to qtree. According to case you have use the "-"on the destination path.
thank you,
i am doing volume to volume snapmirror. no qtree. there is lun in the volume. I am dong vmware rdm
follow these steps, you should be golden to build the relationship and initiate.
source-filer> options snapmirror.enable
source-filer> options snapmirror.access (it should be legacy)
source-filer> rdfile /etc/snapmirror.allow
Restrict the destination volume and volume size must be equal or greater than the size of source.
destination-filer> snapmirror initialize -S source-filer:/vol/demo_source destination-filer:/vol/demo_destination
destination-filer> snapmirror status
Thank you,
aK G
why legacy?
I have options snapmirror enabled
but options snapmirror.access is set to destination host
options snapmirror.access destination_host
rdfile /etc/snapmirror.allow on source system shows
source system ip
and hostname
I think you need to read the below document, before you proceed further.
Thank you
i wsa able to solve this by c;learing out the snapmirror.conf file which had the old stale snapmiror relationship in there.
wrfile /etc/snapmirror.conf
another thing, in oncommand, hen i add he desination drive, looks like it has to be in restricted mode. but in restricted mode, I cannot even see that drive in windows. and I cannot setup a mscs failover cluster.
restricted does not allow you that.
thank you,
but when i have that volumme added on destination node and the afterwards set the volume to be restricted, the dive is not accessible and the entire node freezes