ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
i try to get a list of my snapmirror connection, i have 50 pairs being replicated yet the results status = passed but i get no connections.
anyway to be able to troubleshoot this ? thank you.
Are you querying the API on the destination filer ? Are there any snapmirror connection entries in /etc/snapmirror.conf file in destination Filer ?
i have 8 filers with over 250 snapmirror connections
and all of them have /etc/snapmirror.conf entries in them and none return a connection.
running 7.3.2 - can we see if it's a bug in the Ontap OS.. that what it seems
Are you giving the IP address of the destination filer as the input for API ?
You need to give the IP address of the filer to which the connection is made.
There will be other entries in the snapmirror.conf apart from connection entries.
A connection entry is of the type
Can you paste the contents of a snapmirror.conf
will this make it easier.
snapmirror-get-status returns 50 pairs on the box
however, connections doesn't return anything.
so obviously, there are connections .. yes, ip , hostname tried it all..
here is a snippet 2 of 50
netapp1:reuter1_test_vmsnap_netapp1_iscsi_vol0 netapp1dr:reuter1_test_vmsnap_netapp1_iscsi_vol0 - * * * *
netapp1:bltermin_prod_vmsnap_netapp1_iscsi_vol0 netapp1dr:bltermin_prod_vmsnap_netapp1_iscsi_vol0 - * * * *
These are not connection entries.
Connection entries are of type
You need to give the ip of the other pair. Not the one, on which you have initiated the snapmirror.
When you do a snapmirror-get-status. Use the value of the
<destination-location> tag as the input for IP.
what are you saying ? i checked all my filers source and destination and NONE of them have connection entries as you metion.
checked all my prod and dr netapp's
something doesn't add up over here and not sure what ...
these are the typical connection entries from my filer.
bash-3.00# rsh host -l root:passwd rdfile /etc/snapmirror.conf | grep ")"
These are the connections which are being listed by the API as well.
C:\Documents and Settings\kvishal\Desktop\netapp-manageability-sdk-4.0\bin\nt>ap
itest.exe host root passwd snapmirror-list-connections
<results status="passed">
Try adding a dummy entry into a snampmirror.conf and check if its listing.
Add a dummy entry line
Into your snapmirror.conf
And run the snapmirror-list-connections. This should display the dummy connection
no such a syntax , i setup these snapmirror pairs via the gui.
i am running on a Netapp filer Ontap 7.3.2 ..
can you please ask someone at netapp for me.. this is getting to be a huge pain.
all i want to do is delete a snapmirror relationship .. that's it !!
oh.. well here is what i understand now
The /etc/snapmirror.conf file exists on the filer containing the mirror used for SnapMirror.
There are two types of lines in the configuration file: lines that define mirror relationships and lines that define connections to source filers to be used in the relationship definitions. Relationship definition lines are used to define the mirror relationships for destination volumes on this filer. Connection definition lines are optional and are used to specify specific network connections to the source volume and allow the specification of dual paths to the source volume.
so i just have snapmirror relationships and no connections.. ok,
so now i am back to my original question.
how do i delete a snapmirror relationship not a snapmirror connections .. because i don't use that.
You can follow the steps mentioned here
For this you can use the snapmirror-break API for breaking the relationship.
And then remove the entry from the snapmirror.conf file
You can refer the perl snapmirror sample code for scripting help.
The sample does not currently have break functionality.. You ca use snapmirror-break API for that purpose