Looking for a report function on the vFiler level.
I want to have a report every month on the uptime (or downtime) of all my vFilers.
I made one in OM with the folloring two fields:
* vFiler name
* vFiler Down Timestamp (DD/MM/YY 24H)
But I think the report seems corrupt.
I´ll get the following info from the report:
vFiler Name | vFiler Down Timestamp (DD/MM/YY 24H) |
vFiler1 | 2026-11-11 22:13 |
vFiler2 | 2026-11-11 22:13 |
vFiler3 | 2010-02-12 16:06 |
vFiler4 | 2021-12-11 11:32 |
vFiler5 | 2020-12-11 11:09 |
Am I reading it wrong, but what are 2026?? It´s in the DD collumn??
And second; does this show the last time the vFiler function was down, taking in to consideration that it´s in a active-active configuration?
If I do a takeover and giveback, does it affect this report?