ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
How may vfilers can I have in 8.0 vs 7.3?
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Correct.. Make sure you have matching ipspaces and partner interfaces in ifconfig.
Typos Sent on Blackberry Wireless
It is the same lmit as 7.3 in 8.0... with the exception of the FAS2040 which decreases to a max of 16 in 8.0.
Just to be sure the limmit is 64 per head?
Correct.. 65 but vfiler0 is 1, so 64 more. For newer controllers.. Exception is the 2040.
Typos Sent on Blackberry Wireless
So a head can handel 128 in a failover situation assuming there were 64 vfilers on each head.
Correct.. Make sure you have matching ipspaces and partner interfaces in ifconfig.
Typos Sent on Blackberry Wireless