ONTAP Discussions

volume is showing as disabled in aggr show_space command



     We are using Ontap7.3 on filer 6040 and i am facing one problem here..I am seeing one volume as disabled in aggr show_space  command and the total size it is showing as 64GB but the actual size is 200GB..If i am seeing in df command output it is showing the actual size i.e 200GB and in clients also i am able to see the actual size of 200GB,.

What needs to be done to make the volume show the actual size in aggr show_space command?



I'm not clear on what you mean by "is showing disabled" in aggr show_space. That command will only display a volumes total capacity, used capacity, and the guarantee. The volume will display offline if it's not able to be accessed as well. If the guarantee is set to none, the users (assuming it's a NAS volume) will still see the total capacity unless you're enforcing quotas on the volume; however the aggregate will only update it's remaining useable capacity in relation to the used capacity on that volume i.e. thin provisioning. 


Hi ,

      The below output would give you more clarity on my concern...I have pasted aggr and df command o/p's for your reference..

netapp1> aggr show_space -g
Aggregate 'n1aggr1'

    Total space    WAFL reserve    Snap reserve    Usable space       BSR NVLOG           A-SIS
         1062GB           106GB            47GB           908GB             0GB             0GB

Space allocated to volumes in the aggregate

Volume                          Allocated            Used       Guarantee
procvol                              65GB            64GB volume(disabled)
oavol                               223GB             0GB          volume
xfervol                             460GB            63GB          volume
n1vfiler1                             0GB             0GB          volume
netvault                             10GB             0GB          volume
test                                  4GB             0GB          volume

Aggregate                       Allocated            Used           Avail
Total space                         763GB           129GB           144GB
Snap reserve                         47GB             1GB            46GB
WAFL reserve                        106GB            11GB            94GB

Aggregate 'aggr0'

    Total space    WAFL reserve    Snap reserve    Usable space       BSR NVLOG           A-SIS
          132GB            13GB             5GB           113GB             0GB             0GB

Space allocated to volumes in the aggregate

Volume                          Allocated            Used       Guarantee
vol0                                108GB             6GB          volume

Aggregate                       Allocated            Used           Avail
Total space                         108GB             6GB             5GB
Snap reserve                          5GB             0GB             5GB
WAFL reserve                         13GB             1GB            11GB


netapp1> df -h
Filesystem               total       used      avail capacity  Mounted on
/vol/vol0/                86GB     5845MB       80GB       7%  /vol/vol0/
/vol/vol0/.snapshot       21GB      206MB       21GB       1%  /vol/vol0/.snapshot
/vol/procvol/            200GB       63GB      136GB      32%  /vol/procvol/


You may want to have a quick look at this KB article:  https://kb.netapp.com/support/index?page=content&id=2011271
