We have a pair of FAS8200s (Ontap 9.1) currently serving FCoE LUNs over the UTA2 ports e0e|0e and e0f|0f
Based on confirmation from support I understand that I can use these ports for both FCoE and CIFS traffic simultaneously
My questions, assuming that is indeed a correct answer, are:
1. Is is possible to create an ifgrp consisting of e0e/e0f if the 0e and 0f ports are alresady configured for FCoE LIFs.
2. Is #1 above recommended since they reside on the same ASIC?
3. What is the basic guidance for switch port provisioning (Cisco 7K core switches) to accomodate both FCoE and NAS Ethernet traffic?
Advice is all I'm seeking here - not a runbook - so any and all responses are sincerely welcome.