ONTAP Hardware
ONTAP Hardware
This questions is so simple that I can't find the answer to it.
I have 2x v3240s in an HA pair. My simple question is do I need to duplicate igroups and member initiators on both heads or does this automagically happen? That is, if I create an igroup and members thereof on Head A, do I need to repeat the process on the Head B?
Solved! See The Solution
No. Those settings will come over when the NetApp performs a CFO. You will need to make sure to have the ipspaces (for multistore) on both NetApps, and all ifgroups/vlans created on both NetApps. This is where most people fail during the setup and CFO's will result in nothing working. When you are done with your setup, run the HA-Config-Checker.exe program that is available on the NOW site.
No. Those settings will come over when the NetApp performs a CFO. You will need to make sure to have the ipspaces (for multistore) on both NetApps, and all ifgroups/vlans created on both NetApps. This is where most people fail during the setup and CFO's will result in nothing working. When you are done with your setup, run the HA-Config-Checker.exe program that is available on the NOW site.
Awesome. Thanks, Ryan.
What if I have two LUNs on a controller A and second on Controller B. And I need to access from one host to both LUNs.
When I created on second controller igroup and trying to assign the same Host's WWPN to the igroup, second controller saying I'm not allowed to because the same WWPN using on first controller.
How to do this?
Was it complaining because it was the same WWPN as in the igroup on the other controller, or because you mapped a LUN which ended up having the same ID as another mapping on the other controller ?
You can have the same igroup on both controllers, but you can't map using the same LUN iD
It was the same LUN ID. Thanks.