ONTAP Hardware
ONTAP Hardware
How to confirm whether the cluster is configured in right way. please suggest.
Solved! See The Solution
on-prem -> https://mysupport.netapp.com/site/tools/tool-eula/activeiq-configadvisor
and ->
on-prem -> https://mysupport.netapp.com/site/tools/tool-eula/activeiq-configadvisor
and ->
If you're referring to the physical configuration. As mentioned - config advisor does a good job.
Other known issue might get picked by the Active IQ website - and worth looking at.
Now we come to the hard part - best practices:
1. Export PDF of the current HWU and IMT applicable configurations. Make sure you are on the latest and greatest.
2. Take the security BP TR and tickbox every chapter https://www.netapp.com/pdf.html?item=/media/10674-tr4569pdf.pdf
3. Take any other relevant TR for your configuration and tickbox again.
4. Do Backup-restore and DR tests to make sure they actually work. Try to automate or document this process.
5. find BP that you/others likely to breach over time and implement mechanisms to enforce these. You can see an example script I wrote for topics I anticipated will get breached in one of my environments over time: https://github.com/MGidi/NetAppCdotBestPracticeReportForNAS
In general, I also believe a good peer review is always good. Get someone to seat with you and ask you the hard questions - that always help to flag some issues or process which you didn't think through.