ONTAP Hardware
ONTAP Hardware
Hey guys,
did you guys ever encounter that modifying the node-name of a system does not change the SP prompt ast well?
The system(s) in question are part of a two-node Metro on FAS8200 and I have the issue on both nodes.
Whatever I change the node name to, the SP prompt just won't change with it. And I have not found any way to set it.
On another box (FAS2554) that worked just fine and the SP prompt reflects the node name.
It's purely cosmetic I'm sure but still, I'd like to have everything as it should be to prevent confusion ... any ideas on what I could try?
Solved! See The Solution
Yes, that's the quickest way to resolve the hostname sync issue between the ONTAP node and its SP.
Related KB article:
What ONTAP version?
Try rebooting the SP's.
If still issues, you can open a case to investigate further.
I'm on 9.1P1 and have rebooted both the SP as well as the nodes. Guess it'll have to be a case then.
sp wipeclean (in diag mode) worked for me
Yes, that's the quickest way to resolve the hostname sync issue between the ONTAP node and its SP.
Related KB article:
Link not working since KB new site.