ONTAP Hardware

sysconfig shows the disk as " Found in scan " but disk is not detected in disk show -v or disk show -n


Hi all,

we had a disk failure in 0a.23 of a FAS3020 filer and the same has been replaced,post to which it is detected in 'sysconfig -a' as


ID   Vendor  Model                     FW     Size

23: NETAPP   X276_HPYTA288F10 NA03 272.0GB (562884296 512B/sect) (Found in scan)

but there is no trace of the disk in the commands like disk show -v,disk show -n etc..

and a message gets posted like "  [<host2>.monitor.shelf.fault:CRITICAL]: Fault reported on disk storage shelf attached to channel 0a. Please check fans, power supplies, disks, and temperature sensors.

host2> disk show -v

  DISK       OWNER                  POOL   SERIAL NUMBER

------------ -------------          -----  -------------

0a.37        host1 (101170940)   Pool0  J1WS6SVN

0b.53        host1 (101170940)   Pool0  J1VEJ67N

0a.57        host1 (101170940)   Pool0  J1V7J7JN

0b.48        host2   (101173751)   Pool0  J1VEJGLN

0a.55        host1 (101170940)   Pool0  J1VEJ4MN

0b.60        host1 (101170940)   Pool0  J1VEJ7BN

0b.52        host1 (101170940)   Pool0  J1VE6LLN

0a.56        host1 (101170940)   Pool0  J1VEJ0AN

0a.59        host1 (101170940)   Pool0  J1VD24TN

0a.61        host1 (101170940)   Pool0  J1VEJ1VN

0b.50        host1 (101170940)   Pool0  J1VEJ06N

0a.51        host1 (101170940)   Pool0  LWV378WN

0b.49        host1 (101170940)   Pool0  J1VE6L1N

0b.54        host1 (101170940)   Pool0  J1VEJ13N

0a.44        host2   (101173751)   Pool0  3QQ33M7P00009035KZ4S

0b.39        host2   (101173751)   Pool0  3SK0B04R00009025QC8R

0b.72        host1 (101170940)   Pool0  6SL3CNTB0000B229017S

0a.45        host2   (101173751)   Pool0  3SK0B0BB00009026NEBD

0b.74        host1 (101170940)   Pool0  6SL3D0180000B22902KR

0b.43        host2   (101173751)   Pool0  3SK0B0BA000090265CHR

0b.76        host1 (101170940)   Pool0  6SL3CNVZ0000B2290LW7

0a.71        host1 (101170940)   Pool0  6SL3D03L0000B2290N1F

0b.42        host2   (101173751)   Pool0  6SK0SN060000B147M8CY

0a.77        host1 (101170940)   Pool0  6SL3CM8P0000B2290WK0

0a.58        host1 (101170940)   Pool0  6SK12PWQ0000B2111GCP

0a.35        host2   (101173751)   Pool0  3SK09N9D00009027W57V

0a.64        host1 (101170940)   Pool0  6SL3CM7Y0000B22902M0

0b.68        host1 (101170940)   Pool0  6SL3CNXA0000B2290KQ6

0b.65        host1 (101170940)   Pool0  6SL3CYT40000B2310H7Q

0b.40        host2   (101173751)   Pool0  3SK0AYPC00009026P2F0

0a.73        host1 (101170940)   Pool0  6SL3CNVJ0000B228117Y

0b.36        host2   (101173751)   Pool0  3SK0AW8H00009026P1W3

0a.66        host1 (101170940)   Pool0  J9Y58LBL

0b.32        host2   (101173751)   Pool0  3SK0AX1B00009026P20T

0a.67        host1 (101170940)   Pool0  6SL3CZXP0000B22807NB

0a.41        host2   (101173751)   Pool0  3SK0B0XH000090265CA9

0a.33        host2   (101173751)   Pool0  3SK0B00E00009026NBYF

0a.38        host2   (101173751)   Pool0  3SK0AZW900009026NDJV

0b.34        host2   (101173751)   Pool0  3SK0B0B100009026P1GM

0b.69        host1 (101170940)   Pool0  6SL3D0XN0000B2290WEZ

0b.75        host1 (101170940)   Pool0  6SL3CM7A0000B2290WMW

0a.70        host1 (101170940)   Pool0  6SL3CYYW0000B2310JPS

0b.28        host2   (101173751)   Pool0  3KR1CDZJ000076214TXE

0b.22        host2   (101173751)   Pool0  3KR1CDN5000076214CL3

0b.17        host2   (101173751)   Pool0  3KR1C5MV000076214C9B

0a.29        host2   (101173751)   Pool0  3KR1APZE000076214CCT

0b.24        host2   (101173751)   Pool0  3KR1CEJ7000076214U4P

0a.21        host2   (101173751)   Pool0  3KR0A68S000076122FJN

0a.16        host2   (101173751)   Pool0  3KR1CF06000076201YHR

0a.27        host2   (101173751)   Pool0  3KR1BM8R000076214BU6

0b.18        host2   (101173751)   Pool0  3KR1CGC6000076214UAM

0a.26        host2   (101173751)   Pool0  3KR1CDRR000076214TT4

0a.25        host2   (101173751)   Pool0  3KR1CEP800007621G6NN

0a.20        host2   (101173751)   Pool0  3KR1CGV9000076214C5G

0a.19        host2   (101173751)   Pool0  VAWGE5PA



the disk replaced was of 512 bytes/sector where all the new netapp disks are of 520,we have re-ordered the disk

View solution in original post



Please pull out the disk again, wait for at least 60 seconds and then put it back in place. See if it shows up then, otherwise you might have received a broken spare, s**t happens 😉


the disk replaced was of 512 bytes/sector where all the new netapp disks are of 520,we have re-ordered the disk
