We ran in this problem after upgrading de PSTK to version 9.14, scripts on version 9.10 works ok.
when we connect with connect-nccontroller "$netapp-name" without parameters
get-ncquota -Vserver "$vserver" -QuotaTarget "$domain\user" ---> wil give you a complete list of all quota's
Set-NcQuota -Vserver "$vserver" -QuotaTarget "$domain\user" -Volume "$volume" -Qtree "$qtree" -DiskLimit 16GB -type user
gives a warning: record doesn't exists
when we connect with connect-nccontroller "$netapp-name" -ontapi parameter
get-ncquota -Vserver "$vserver" -QuotaTarget "$domain\user" ---> wil give the correct quota
Set-NcQuota -Vserver "$vserver" -QuotaTarget "$domain\user" -Volume "$volume" -Qtree "$qtree" -DiskLimit 16GB -type user
gives an error
Set-NcQuota : Group parameter neither specified nor set
At line:1 char:1
+ Set-NcQuota -Vserver xxxx -QuotaTarget 'xxxxx\xxxx' -Vol ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Set-NcQuota], ArgumentException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Group is empty,DataONTAP.C.PowerShell.SDK.Cmdlets.Quota.SetNcQuota
any ideas?