I'm looking for the corresponding azure cli for the following action suspend a backup policy for a specific volume I do see a cli (at policy level) az netappfiles account backup-policy update, which has got the following parameter [--enabled {0, 1, f, false, n, no, t, true, y, yes}] The property to decide policy is enabled or not. Accepted values: 0, 1, f, false, n, no, t, true, y, yes But this is at the netapp account > policy level I'm unable to find the azure cli to do this at specific volume level. cli for this action at Volume level in the Configure Backups dialog box > Policy State { Suspend/Resume}
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I guided to use the /storage/aggregates/{uuid} REST API endpoint, specifically the space.block_storage.used field, to determine their block storage usage (total allocated capacity within an aggregate). However, they reported that the space.block_storage.used value fluctuates slightly even when no volume expansion, creation, or writes to the storage are occurring. Does the space.block_storage.used value include not only the space consumed by the user's data, but also metadata and information related to scheduled snapshots? And, if metadata and snapshot information are included in space.block_storage.used, which field should be referenced to obtain only the explicitly allocated space used by the customer, excluding metadata and snapshots?
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Customer is trying to pull the IOPs report for all volumes for last 6 months or longer, over the RESTAPI endpoint they could collect only last 96 hours of data (Per API documentation, there is no parameter discussed to pull the historical data other than 96 hours default one), but they are able to collect last 13 months of IOPs data for individual volumes by manual GUI steps. Customer states that collecting manually for 5000+ volumes is not something easier process. So, they require to know if there's a way, they could collect the same 13 months of IOPS data over an API for all the volumes.
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I am a new to Netapp and the API, but managed to build a Python script to output the acls on a list of UNC paths. I ran into a path with an unresolved SID, which I can see using the vserver security file-directory show -verserver <svm> -path <path> command at the CLI. But when I make the API call to retrieve the permissions, I get a 404 response: {
"error": {
"message": "Failed to convert SID to a Windows name. Reason: \"SecD Error: object not found\". ",
"code": "4849677"
} The owner SID is irrelevant for my current use case. Is there any way for me to modify my API call to ignore the unresolved SID and return the alcs anyway?
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I am using API from https://docs.netapp.com/us-en/ontap-restapi/ontap/post-protocols-file-security-permissions-.html#related-ontap-commands to setup file permissions at junction path level The API payload has APPLY TO set as "apply_to": { "files": true, "sub_folders": true, "this_folder": true } However the response from API gives back permissions as applied only for sub_folders and this_folder "owner": "group", "path": "/test_oct_vol", "acls": [ { "access": "access_allow", "user": "userid", "apply_to": { "this_folder": true, "sub_folders": true } : : } Why are permissions not getting applied at files level. Please can someone help.
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