Majority of production storages in our IT Landscape is NetApp based, We are trying to find list of volumes that are not accessed for more than 90 days. We do not have Blue Xp in our infra. But we have NetApp AIQ. Please let me know if it is possible to get list of volumes not accessed for 90 days via RESTAPI or any other methods.
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I recently update our NetApp PSTK from 9.8 to, and since the queries in my scripts are failing (see output below from 9.8 and 9.14). OnTap version is 9.12.1P10. Get-NcNetDeviceDiscovery is the only command I use the query with, so I don't know if it's all commands or just that one. Does anyone know why I'm getting this error and how I can fix it? Query with PSTK 9.8: PS C:\> Get-NcNetDeviceDiscovery -Query @{Node="cluster01-01";Port="e0M"}
DiscoveredDevice Node Interface Port Platform Capabilities
---------------- ---- --------- ---- -------- ------------
switchname... cluster01-01 Gi1/0/3 e0M {router, trans_br... Query with PSTK PS C:\> Get-NcNetDeviceDiscovery -Query @{Node="cluster02-01";Port="e0M"}
Get-NcNetDeviceDiscovery : [400]: Field "return_unmatched_nested_array_objects" was specified twice (to "false" and "false").
At line:1 char:1
+ Get-NcNetDeviceDiscovery -Query @{Node=" cluster02-01";Port="e0M"}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Get-NcNetDeviceDiscovery], Exception
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : 400,DataONTAP.C.PowerShell.SDK.Cmdlets.Net.GetNcNetDeviceDiscovery It does work if I add -ONTAPI to the end of the command, but, from my understanding, that means it's reverting to ZAPI, and so will not work in future versions of OnTap, correct?
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We need to manage Amazon FSx NetApp ONTAP shares via the NetApp REST API. How can I grant AWS cloud accounts permission to access Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP SVM shares (by modifying the ACL)? I reviewed this document, but it only covers managing NetApp user accounts, while I need to grant access to AWS cloud user accounts.
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Hi Team, With reference to Rest API Use, creating a rest role with privileges to /api/storage/volumes opens up access to all the volumes, instead, I want to just have a role with privilege to just one volume say /api/storage/volumes/{volume_uuid}, could you advise if this is possible or advise accordingly? Thank you in advance!
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Hi Team, my customer is planning to update the ONTAP to 9.14, so ZAPI is no longer supported, as far as I have read. Last week they have updated the Snapcenter to 5.0. I am not yet fully aware of the consequences of the discontinuation of ZAPI for the use of PowerShell Toolkit and Snapcenter. according to customer they use the Snapcenter Cmdlet (Get-SmBackup, Get-SmClone ...) with Powershell on the SnapCenter Server. Which Powershell Toolkit and Snapcenter versions work without ZAPI? could you please help me to advise them?
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