Object Storage

VMware Sovereign Cloud with NetApp Ontap S3


Hello all,

We are using VMware by Broadcom virtualization with multiple NetApp ONTAP systems.

We are also using VMware Cloud Director for compute workloads.

I noticed blog https://community.netapp.com/t5/Tech-ONTAP-Blogs/VMware-Sovereign-Cloud-with-NetApp-StorageGRID/ba-p/451035 where Cloud Director integration is possible with product NetApp StorageGrid.


However, since we have already have multiple ONTAP systems, integrating additional StorageGrid system would bring additional unnecessary complication to say at least, compared with option to integrate with existing NetApp ONTAP S3.


Is it possible to integrate Cloud Director with Netapp Ontap S3 ?

If someone want to integrate Netapp S3 Storage with Cloud Director, does it involves additional licensing costs?



Hi @NemkeCloudEngineer,

NetApp ONTAP S3 does not support the OSIS (Object Storage Interoperability Service) adapter so therefore it cannot integrate with VMware Cloud Director.

NetApp ONTAP S3 is really S3 "lite", NetApp have made a decision to have an almost fully featured S3 platform, which is StorageGRID. [Hopefully storageGRID will continue to evolve to be market leading and provide S3 features inline with AWS as well as additional features which make it superior in some ways to AWS and other S3 implementations.]


NetApp ONTAP S3 on the other hand is good enough for many S3 storage requirements, but its far from feature rich.
