Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

modify the default retention period for a counter



Regarding the PerformanceAdvisor, some counter have a short retention, like one week for disk counter.

I have found the way to modify this retention only after i have add the filer to oncommand. And this modification must be done on each counter on each filer.

It's possible to modify the default retention period to be apply to all filer or at least for the new filer ?

[root@oncommand ~]# dfm perf data list

Counter Group             Host Name                                Sample Rate     Retention Period Max Records Used Space      Max Projected Space

------------------------- ---------------------------------------- --------------- ---------------- ---------- --------------- --------------------

system                    initenasguyp01a                          1.0 minutes     1.0 years            525600 1.25 MB         154 MB

system                    IN99FIL5                                 1.0 minutes     1.0 years            525600 923 KB          154 MB

disk                      initenasguyp01a                          1.0 minutes     1.0 weeks             10080 49.1 MB         119 MB

disk                      IN99FIL5                                 1.0 minutes     1.0 weeks             10080 11.8 MB         39.6 MB

Best regards.




Hi Barnabe,

I am not sure if this is available in dfm CLI. As a workaround, once the filer is added to DFM server, you could use the following code in linux to modify the retention period on all counters:

for i in `dfm perf data list -o <HostName> | awk '{if(NR>2)print $1}'`; do dfm perf data modify -f -G $i -o <HostName> -r "<RetentionPeriod>"; done;

All you need to do is replace the occurrences of <HostName> & <RetentionPeriod> with your hostname and desired retention period.

Retention Period can be specified as x seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks as in the example below.

[root@vmlnx6U4 ~]# for i in `dfm perf data list -o mpo-vsim11 | awk '{if(NR>2)print $1}'`; do dfm perf data modify -f -G $i -o mpo-vsim11 -r "3 days"; done;

Successfully modified the data collection parameters for the counter group.

Successfully modified the data collection parameters for the counter group.

Successfully modified the data collection parameters for the counter group.

Please let me know if this works for you.

Best Regards,



Hello Pavan,

Thanks you for the command line.

Yes it's a way to modify the retention but we need to add one more action after adding a controller to oncommand.

My wish is to modify the template before adding controller to avoid this action. The retention period is store in option or in the database ?

Best regards,

