Hey Guys,
We have ~150 linux compute nodes in a POD where /var/lib/nova/instances can be a NFS mount, that stores around 50G of template ( various) files. There are times when our customers deploy/clone these images into VM's i.e. all 150 linux hosts needs to access/copy image from one NFS mount at the same time, I believe it is not going to work with NetApp because of network constraint ( 10G ), etc etc. moreover we don't wanna hammer down filer
I came across twitter murder torrent client ( avail on github ) that does similar job of distributing images to multiple peers, A quick test shows that it is giving good results ( Please note that we are using SSD's in RAID ) and I'm gonna use it as a last option but thought of checking with you'll if NetApp has a solution for this?
Appreciate your quick input on this