Team, I need to pull the size of the snapshot of a specific volume. ============ code ========================================== ##S1 and V1 are Snapshot and Volume objects which are already initialized before the below code. S11=Snapshot.from_dict({'uuid':S1.uuid,'volume.uuid': V1.uuid}) S11.get() print ("final snap==================") print (S11) print ("final snap==================") ========================================================== Returns the below: ********************************************************************************************************** final snap================== Snapshot({'volume': {'uuid': '0207959e-b04b-11ea-b611-d039ea073d7a', '_links': {'self': {'href': '/api/storage/volumes/0207959e-b04b-11ea-b611-d039ea073d7a'}}, 'name': 'XXXXXX'}, 'name': 'weekly.2021-02-07_0015', 'create_time': '2021-02-07T00:15:01+00:00', '_links': {'self': {'href': '/api/storage/volumes/0207959e-b04b-11ea-b611-d039ea073d7a/snapshots/15891d63-214a-4e7b-86da-942612280b39'}}, 'svm': {'uuid': '01a0b7f6-b04b-11ea-b611-d039ea073d7a', '_links': {'self': {'href': '/api/svm/svms/01a0b7f6-b04b-11ea-b611-d039ea073d7a'}}, 'name': 'XXXXX'}, 'uuid': '15891d63-214a-4e7b-86da-942612280b39'}) final snap================== I am not able to get the size of the snapshot but getting all other details [ like name, creation_time etc]. Appreciate your help. Thanks Suneel Appreciate if you
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Hi, I am creating a report using python connecting to ocum database. Do you know which database or tables contains the data for Volume Daily Growth Rate percent and the Days to Full? I tried netapp_model_view and ocum_report but cannot find it. Thanks in advance. Warren
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How do i run system node run -node<> -command "netstat " using cli().execute? I tried the below method but it says . Invalid Json input. Expecting "command" to be an array. Response=cli(). execute ("system node run", body={"node":"","command":"netstat",poll=false} Please advise.
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When running an Ansible job that only sets "use_ldaps". When the Ansible job is run it does enable use_ldaps, but in the process stops the CIFS server. This is not expected as the default for service_stat is null. This should not be changed. Module: use_ldaps: description: - Specifies whether or not to use use LDAPS for secure Active Directory LDAP connections. - Only supported with REST and requires ontap version 9.10.1 or later. Use na_ontap_vserver_cifs_security with ZAPI. type: bool version_added: 21.20.0 - service_state CIFS Server Administrative Status. (Choices: stopped, started)[Default: (null)] type: str
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We have just upgraded to ONTAP 9.9.1 so I upgraded our Python library to 9.9.1 as I need to retrieve/update the NTFS permissions using the FileDirectorySecurity module. However when I perform a get I'm not getting any return. The call isn't erroring out even when I use incorrect filters. Example of code ( which is direct copy from the documentation - ### resource = FileDirectorySecurity(path="na_student_videos",**{"svm.uuid": "2059c57e-04b3-11e9-a63b-00a09899b75b"}) resource.get print (resource) ### When I test the REST API call using curl it returns data as expected. curl -u XXXX -X GET "https://array-name/api/protocols/file-security/permissions/2059c57e-04b3-11e9-a63b-00a09899b75b/%2Fna_student_videos/?fields=acls&return_records=true&return_timeout=15" -H "accept application/hal+json" Has anyone used the FileDirectorySecurity module or can provide advice on why it's not working.
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