Simulator Discussions

SIM issues when upgrading to 9.10P12 version



 I have a 2 node SIM cluster which I have tried to upgrade using the traditional ONTAP upgrade, up to version 9.8 never had problems upgrading it this way and I don’t want to re-setup with new SIM OVA as that is disruptive and removes everything I have already build for our test environment.


Now I tried to upgrade 9.10P12 that the image upgrade is successful it’s the reboot using the 9.10 that the SIM gets stuck during the boot up: with a message showing :

start_managed_app for ktlsd : /usr/sbin/spmctl -i -h ktlsd --exec status=132 at Oct 4 xxxx(rest of that date)



Now there is a kb that shows this issue and is known to Netapp and the proposed solution is to change a global parameter on the VM cluster-


checked VMWARE settings and have a higher setting than the recommended by the kb article.- "Intel Haswell Generation"


One thing I found around was to find out how to know the AVX flags status from the SIM, from a Linux host was easy to see but not from the ONTAP but have not been able to find anything.


Is there a way to conduct the upgrade or it just not supported in VMWARE hypervisor?, I had no problems testing on vmware  workstation version.


thanks in advance for any help.

