SnapManager to SnapCenter Transition
SnapManager to SnapCenter Transition
Any estimated date for SnapCenter 4.6 to land?
Solved! See The Solution
The current ETA is set for January 2022, but that could changed as well.
Is there a published list of features they are adding?
Not at the moment
yes you can see the new features on netapp insight
Is there a link to the Snapcentre specific info?
Why do we have to wait 3 months or longer for this??
Any update on the release date for SnapCenter 4.6. Need to get new SQL 2019 on Server 2022 into production ASAP.
They did say at the end of Jan and that was from netapp PS. in the meantime 4.5p2 is out which will fix backup jobs leaving residue snapshots on your log luns. (that was painful clearing them up once a week or your sql log luns. If you didn't it would eventually fill up with too many snapshots). When 4.6 does comes out I would keep away until a patch release is out or at least test in dev for now