Software Development Kit (SDK) and API Discussions
Software Development Kit (SDK) and API Discussions
I plan to develope a small C# program to monitor temperatures as measured by chassis sensors.
I downloaded the SDK but it seems too complicated for me...
For now I can obtain the desired info by connecting through SSH (using SSH.NET library) and submitting the following command :
system node run -node local -command environment status chassis
The next step is to create a loop and execute the command every, let's say, 10 minutes: do you think this could become a performance problem for the 2552? I don't know the library details and i assume it flawless implement the SSH protocol (disconnetting properly for example), I hope not to kill my storage with this approach...
Here is my first functioning C# prototype:
static void Main(string[] args) { using (var client = new SshClient("my2552_ip_address", "user", "password")) { client.Connect(); SshCommand command = client.RunCommand("system node run -node local -command environment status chassis"); string result = command.Result; string s1 = result.Substring(result.IndexOf("Ambient Temp")); int index = s1.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine); s1 = s1.Substring(0, index); string[] token = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(s1, @"\s+"); string state = token[2]; string currentReading = token[3]; Console.WriteLine("Temperatute status: " + state); Console.WriteLine("Temperatute current value (°C): " + currentReading); client.Disconnect(); } }
Thank you!!
Solved! See The Solution
It's not necessary to use the .NET binding in the first step.
Just add netapp-manageability-sdk-5.6\lib\DotNet\ManageOntap.dll
add in your project:
using NetApp.Manage;
Next you have to deal with NaServer for connection/auth and NaElement Class.
For an example of , you can use
You can directly generate code from there
Without too much effort, you can have something running quickly.
Just add dll ManageOntap in project references.
Here is an zapi example:
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using NetApp.Manage; namespace ConsoleApp1 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { NaServer s = new NaServer("filer", 1, 0); s.ServerType = NaServer.SERVER_TYPE.FILER; s.TransportType = NaServer.TRANSPORT_TYPE.HTTPS; s.Port = 443; s.Style = NaServer.AUTH_STYLE.LOGIN_PASSWORD; s.SetAdminUser(@"user", "pass"); NaElement api = new NaElement("environment-sensors-get-iter"); NaElement xi = new NaElement("desired-attributes"); api.AddChildElement(xi); NaElement xi1 = new NaElement("environment-sensors-info"); xi.AddChildElement(xi1); xi1.AddNewChild("node-name", "<node-name>"); xi1.AddNewChild("sensor-name", "<sensor-name>"); xi1.AddNewChild("sensor-type", "<sensor-type>"); xi1.AddNewChild("threshold-sensor-state", "<threshold-sensor-state>"); xi1.AddNewChild("threshold-sensor-value", "<threshold-sensor-value>"); xi1.AddNewChild("value-units", "<value-units>"); NaElement xo = s.InvokeElem(api); NaElement results = xo.GetChildByName("attributes-list"); System.Collections.IList resultslist = results.GetChildren(); foreach (NaElement result in resultslist) { Console.WriteLine(result.GetChildContent("node-name")); Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", result.GetChildContent("sensor-name"), result.GetChildContent("threshold-sensor-value")); } } } }
I don't think that coud be a performance problem, regarding of number of requests, in comparaison, Oncommand Unified Manager make by minutes.
Hi francoisbnc
thank you for the fast response
I'm very new to the Netapp sdk: I've downloaded the "netapp-manageability-sdk-5.6-dotnet-bindings" and I cannot find the dll you mentioned, I can only find "netapp-manage.dll"; could you provide a link to download the one you are speaking about or provide an example with the sdk I found?
Thank you!!
It's not necessary to use the .NET binding in the first step.
Just add netapp-manageability-sdk-5.6\lib\DotNet\ManageOntap.dll
add in your project:
using NetApp.Manage;
Next you have to deal with NaServer for connection/auth and NaElement Class.
For an example of , you can use
You can directly generate code from there
Thank you François
now I can use the API you provided.
I developed a small windows service that queries the sensors, saves the temperature in a database and sends hi temperature alarm and daily report by emails.
Thank you for your valuable support