I need to determine the NAA prefixes for NetApp LUNs; we have two mapped LUNs (for 7 and Cluster mode) but the NAA prefixes are not the same for these LUNs (checked from the VMware view)
I know that the NAA is composed of two items (prefix+serial number to hex😞
- 7 mode mapped LUN: Serial number = 'P3Ku/JlVTFX3' = 50334b752f4a6c5654465833, from VMwaree I see the naa: 60a9800050334b752f4a6c5654465833
- Cluster mode mapped LUN: Serial number = 'RLIta+DhqCVk' = 524c4974612b44687143566b, from VMware I see the naa: 600a0980524c4974612b44687143566b
Now I have two prefixes; 60a98000 for the LUN mapped in 7mode and 600a0980 for the one mapped in Cluster mode.
What is the rule to determine these prefixes? Can I determine the prefixes programmatically ?
We are using the ONTAPI; we need to build the NAA ID for each mapped LUN.
Thanks in advance for your help.