Software Development Kit (SDK) and API Discussions
Software Development Kit (SDK) and API Discussions
I'm trying to write a python script to satisfy below requirement:
1. It should be able to find out a list of volumes containing non-qtree data, with an exception of filenames starting with a 'dot'. E.g. It won't list a volume that has only one file named '.bash_profile' as non-qtree data.
2. The script can be run on a number of filers.
I'm really stuck at listing non-qtree data with the exception above.
Any help will be highly appreciated. I'm using python, but any other language is fine as well.
Not sure to understand what you are trying to check.
Volumes are qtree as well, so files directly on / are potentially in qtrees.
For me, non-qtree data are more: "directories created as standard (mkdir in unix for example)" but relayed to directories not files.
Here an example what I would do:
from netapp.NaServer import *
s = NaServer("filer", 1, 21)
s.set_admin_user("root", "pwd")
apivol = NaElement("volume-list-info")
outputvol = s.invoke_elem(apivol)
volumes = outputvol.child_get("volumes")
resultsvol = volumes.children_get()
## loop through volumes
for resultvol in resultsvol:
volname = resultvol.child_get_string("name")
apiqtree = NaElement("qtree-list")
apiqtree.child_add_string("volume", volname)
outputqtree = s.invoke_elem(apiqtree)
qtrees = outputqtree.child_get("qtrees")
qtreestree = qtrees.children_get()
qtreesarray = []
# Loop througn qtrees
for resultqtree in qtreestree:
qtreename = resultqtree.child_get_string("qtree")
apidir = NaElement("file-list-directory-iter-start")
apidir.child_add_string("path", '/vol/' + volname)
outputdir = s.invoke_elem(apidir)
tagdir = outputdir.child_get_string("tag")
apidir = NaElement("file-list-directory-iter-next")
apidir.child_add_string("tag", tagdir)
apidir.child_add_string("maximum", '200')
outputdir = s.invoke_elem(apidir)
dirs = outputdir.child_get("files")
dirstree = dirs.children_get()
for resultdir in dirstree:
filetype = resultdir.child_get_string("file-type")
filename = resultdir.child_get_string("name")
if filetype == 'directory':
if filename in qtreesarray:
print('qtree:' + filename)
print('nonqtree:' + filename)
Thank you so much for your help and it almost meets the requirement. Just below 2 items needs to be sorted out:
1. The script should consider anything in the volume but not in a qtree, as non-qtree data:
2. The current script shows every qtree twice, once as 'non-qtree' and then again as 'qtree'. it shows like below:
Ideally it should show the qtree/directory only once - either as 'qtree' or 'non-qtree'.
3. At present I can get this by comparing the outputs of "qtree status <volume name>" and "priv set advanced; ls/vol/<volume name>". But I feel like that's a crude way and can be done better by leveraging the APIs.
I really appreciate your help and patience to put the script together.
Looks like I'm not getting the desired output because it considers both, 'qtree' and 'directory' as "directory". I ran below script on a volume containing a 'qtree', a 'directory' and a 'file', the output had "file-type=directory" for both 'qtree' and 'directory'.
api = NaElement("file-list-directory-iter-start")
xo = s.invoke_elem(api)
if (xo.results_status() == "failed") :
print ("Error:\n")
print (xo.sprintf())
sys.exit (1)
print ("Received:\n")
print (xo.sprintf())
So is there any other way to differentiate a 'directory' from a 'qtree'?
Directories and qtree are same when you invoke "file-list-directory-iter", so use "qtree-list" to exclude qtree of this first list.
From there you can deduct directories only.