Hello community, I try to read the contents of a volume snapshot by using Read-NcDirectory but I get always "WARNING: Record doesn't exist". The volume itself is readable, also the .snapshot directory, but not the contents of a snapshot. Using NFS or CIFS there is no problem to read the contents. snapdir-acces of the volume: true is a Vserver LIF. Login user role: vsadmin Login user application: http PSTK Version: ONTAP Version: 9.12.1P3 PS C:\Windows\system32> Connect-NcController
Name Address Vserver Version
---- ------- ------- ------- mytestvs NetApp Release 9.12.1P3: Tue May 02 13:02:11 UTC 2023
PS C:\Windows\system32> Read-NcDirectory -Path /vol/mytestvol/.snapshot
Name Type Size Created Modified Owner Group Perm Empty
---- ---- ---- ------- -------- ----- ----- ---- -----
. directory 4 KB 5/19/2021 2/27/2025 0 0 777 False
.. directory 4 KB 5/19/2021 1/31/2025 0 0 777 False
daily.2025-02-21_0010 directory 4 KB 5/19/2021 1/31/2025 0 0 777 False
PS C:\Windows\system32> Read-NcDirectory -Path /vol/mytestvol/.snapshot/daily.2025-02-21_0010
WARNING: Record doesn't exist
PS C:\Windows\system32> Every hint / idea is welcome.
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Hello, I have a java app in which I'm trying to interface with a NetApp S3 API gateway in order to store large files there. It was pretty straightforward to make a connection with an S3Client. And I know that I set things up correctly because I'm able to do a listBuckets and it correctly lists all of the existing buckets. String accessKeyId = "MyAccessKeyID";
String secretAccesskey = "MySecretAccessKey";
String endpointUrl = "https://theendpointurltomynetappstoragegrid:10444";
StaticCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = StaticCredentialsProvider.create(
AwsBasicCredentials.create(accessKeyId, secretAccesskey));
// Create S3 client
S3Client s3Client = S3Client.builder()
//This actually works fine to list the buckets - indicating I am connecting fine
ListBucketsResponse listBucketsResponse = s3Client.listBuckets(); However it crashes with the UnknownHostException when I try to do a createBucket or postObject. CreateBucketRequest createBucketRequest = CreateBucketRequest.builder()
//However this always crashes with a SdkClientException: Received an UnknownHostException
s3Client.createBucket(createBucketRequest); BTW I am able to do a create-bucket through the aws command-line interface. This actually does create a bucket. aws --endpoint-url https://theendpointurltomynetappstoragegrid:10444 s3api create-bucket --bucket testbucket11 Any suggestions? Thank you.
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Hello, we're trying to deploy and install a CA-signed ssl certificate on the admin vserver to get HTTPS when connecting to the cluster webgui. With the netapp.ontap.na_ontap_security_certificates module we have successfully deployed the certificate on the cluster, but it will not be used by the vserver. We somehow need to execute this command. security ssl modify -vserver [VSERVER] -serial [SERIAL] -ca [CA] Is this possible without using the na_ontap_ssh_command module? https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/netapp/ontap/na_ontap_security_certificates_module.html#ansible-collections-netapp-ontap-na-ontap-security-certificates-module
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Hello Everyone, I'm trying to get my volume tags set via System Manager with the simple powershell cmdlet "get-ncVol", but "Tags" property is always empty. I've also try the cmdlet with "-zapiCall" parameter, but having the same empty result. powershell SDK powershell 5.1 Windows 2019 Ontap 9.14.1P8 thanks in advance. Yala
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Hi Team, We have resolved the issue related to the code signing certificate, which is now valid until 2027. The versions that include this fix are and You can download them from the PowerShell Gallery. Please find the links to the packages below. PSTK Version: : Supports Rest and ZAPI both PSTK Version: : Supports ZAPI only If you have any questions, please send an email to ng-ontap-pstk-queries. Thanks, Saharsh Neema
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