Hi all, I'm in a very similar situation to @itgod_cluelessdog with his question "Reuse hardware of NetApp H410C - unable to boot" https://community.netapp.com/t5/SolidFire-and-HCI/Reuse-hardware-of-NetApp-H410C-unable-to-boot/m-p/456936
I'd like to repurpose my 4 H410S nodes, they contain quality CPUs, quite a handful of RAM and 6 SSDs each. A VMware vSAN playground should be achievable.
However, the nodes are equipped with BIOS NA2.1 dating back to 2017, and booting a USB Key in UEFI boot mode does not seem to be supported. I tried to find newer HCI Storage Node firmware at mysupport, but failed. HCI Compute Node firmware is available, though.
Could you point me to the newest firmware for NetApp HCI H410S nodes? That would be awesome.