VMware Solutions Discussions

Cannot Create File error after deploying VVOL via OTV


hey all


in a bit of a pickle here.


i have deployed ONTAP Tools for vmware using the following KB

Overview (netapp.com)


i mean everything went great up until after i actually created the VVOL via the plugin GUI. The VVOL itself gets created, and it shows up on the vcenter inventory, but there is a big red exclamation mark and it says that the folder for HA (.vSphere-HA) cannot be created, it seems that i cant write anything on the newly created vvol becasue when i go and create a new file withing the vvol via vcenter, it gives me the same error = "Cannot Create File"


i had the netapp support guys with me on a web call but they couldnt really figure it out so i sent them a whole bunch of info and log to look into, i have approached broadcom too and they can confirm that the below alarms were noted so they wanted me to tell that to the netapp guys.




i have also looked into the OTV logs referencing the following KB but couldnt really find anything usefull as of now.

Where are the troubleshooting logs for Virtual Storage Console, VASA, and Storage Replication Adapter? - NetApp Knowledge Base


has anyone ran into this problem before and was able to fix it? if so any help is really appreciated.


