Hi Team,
I have read up the TR-4264 and also the LOD Lab Guide: Storage Replication Adapter for VMware vCenter SRM (LOD Lab Overview SL10157 v1.1) prior to integrate SRM with SRA in my project.
Anyway, I got some questions about the SRM integration with SRA as below;
1. When perform the plan migration with SRM, the SRA automatically created a single igroup on the recovery site with all the WWPN from all the ESXi servers (included all the CNA & HBA), this looks like
not follow the best practices of creating igroup?
2. Another issue will be after perform plan migration, re-protect, and if we would like to perform another plan recovery (or fail-back), it will fail because the LUN mapping at the destination still in place, the SRA which create the new dynamic igroup unable to perform the LUN mapping.
Appreciate anyone can share your professional advice and experience on the integration as mentioned above.