VMware Solutions Discussions

Test Recovery Plan with Netapp SRA




We have configured a DR solution using VMware SRM with Netapp. we are using array based replication. SRA version is 2.1P1 and SRM is 5.5. I would like to configure a test recovery plan and test SRM is working fine.


For that i have created a test Volume in Netapp, and created a LUN in that and attached to a ESXi servers (which are added in vcenter server) in which SRM configured. Then created a test machine in that LUN and after that started Snapmirror relationship for that Test Volume to DR Site. everything works fine.


In SRM i have created a test protection group and recovery plan for that test VM.


My question is, if i run the test recovery plan, Will it affect other volumes which are having production LUNs in Netapp?

What i believe is that, this will only break the snapmirror relationship for the test volume and make it as read, write in DR site and mounted automatically and powered on the test VM in DR site..right?

This process will not disturb other production volumes or LUNs in the netapp storage..right?


Anyone please comment on this.




