VMware Solutions Discussions
VMware Solutions Discussions
Hi guys,
I'm trying to move (actually copy) a LUN from one volume to another volume. However, it keeps failing as shown below.
NDCONN-NETAPP-C1> ndmpcopy -d /vol/VMFS_001/ESXI_BOOT_01 /vol/SAN_BOOT
Ndmpcopy: Starting copy [ 4 ] ...
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Notify: Connection established
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Notify: Connection established
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Connect: Authentication successful
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Connect: Authentication successful
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Log: DUMP: creating "/vol/VMFS_001/../snapshot_for_backup.8" snapshot.
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Log: DUMP: Using Partial Volume Dump of selected subtrees
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Log: DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Thu Apr 19 21:50:15 2012.
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Log: DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch.
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Log: DUMP: Dumping /vol/VMFS_001/ESXI_BOOT_01 to NDMP connection
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Log: DUMP: mapping (Pass I)[regular files]
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Log: DUMP: Reading file names from NDMP.
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Log: DUMP: mapping (Pass II)[directories]
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Log: DUMP: estimated 1155120 KB.
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Log: DUMP: dumping (Pass III) [directories]
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Log: DUMP: dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Log: RESTORE: Thu Apr 19 21:50:19 2012: Begin level 0 restore
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Log: RESTORE: Thu Apr 19 21:50:19 2012: Reading directories from the backup
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Log: RESTORE: Thu Apr 19 21:50:20 2012: Creating files and directories.
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Log: RESTORE: Warning: cannot create file on online vdisk ./ESXI_BOOT_01
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Log: RESTORE: Thu Apr 19 21:50:20 2012: Writing data to files.
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Log: RESTORE: File creation failed on online vdisk: ./ESXI_BOOT_01
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Log: DUMP: dumping (Pass V) [ACLs]
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Log: RESTORE: File creation failed on online vdisk: ./ESXI_BOOT_01_ntstreams_KLW0000/attributes
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Log: RESTORE: File creation failed on online vdisk: ./ESXI_BOOT_01_ntstreams_KLW0000/lunmap
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Log: RESTORE: File creation failed on online vdisk: ./ESXI_BOOT_01_ntstreams_KLW0000/prefix
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Log: RESTORE: File creation failed on online vdisk: ./ESXI_BOOT_01_ntstreams_KLW0000/suffix
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Log: RESTORE: File creation failed on online vdisk: ./ESXI_BOOT_01_ntstreams_KLW0000/persistent.reservations
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Log: RESTORE: Thu Apr 19 21:50:24 2012: Restoring NT ACLs.
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Log: RESTORE: The destination path is /vol/SAN_BOOT/
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Log: DUMP: 1152885 KB
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Log: DUMP: Deleting "/vol/VMFS_001/../snapshot_for_backup.8" snapshot.
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Notify: restore successful
Ndmpcopy: NDCONN-NETAPP-C1: Notify: dump successful
Ndmpcopy: Transfer successful [ 16 seconds ]
Ndmpcopy: Done
The destination volume has adequate space.
Any ideas?
Lars Christensen
This is odd.. can you ndmpcopy the entire volume to volume? Does that fail?
Do you have LUN with the same name on destination volume?
Good point...if the file exists then can use -f to overwrite.
Unfortunately no, the destination volume doesn't have a LUN with the same name.
UPDATE: It turned out, that a qtree had been created, which I didn't notice at all.
When I removed the qtree, the ndmpcopy worked as expected.
Thanks for all your answes