^^ Nah, each time i'm dumping dedup out in the loop. No big deal, what I had to do was for each volume get it and dump it each time. Not a horrible solution, but its working...
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Andrew - Would you agree i should be able to do this $dedupe =[math]::round(((get-navolsis | measure -property sizesaved -sum).sum/1gb),2) I then dump out $dedupe each time I write that I didn't mean to mark this as a solution Basically i can loop that line through all my controllers and dump it out each time..
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Running 4.3 I'm looping through all my controllers 100+ and i start to get this error get-navolsis : Not enough memory for reply value, but command completed successfully At C:\powershell\f_dashboard.ps1:60 char:9 + $dupe = get-navolsis + ~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (filer.domain.com:NaController) [Get-NaVolSis], EONTAPI_ENOMEM + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VolumeListInfoFailed,DataONTAP.PowerShell.SDK.Cmdlets.Sis.GetNaVolSis I've never got this before and i'm going to try an older version 3.x to see if i get it there. Can someone else verify this ..
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Andrew, I believe I said there was a forum and I pointed them to the link. But back in the day, when beam was around, and i've been using PS toolkit since 1.0, we used to have our own forum and it wasn't coupled together with others. It was called the powershell forum. They closed this down and I asked them to reopen it, and they decided to leave it as it is today. Also, thanks for the cmdlet above, I haven't had much time to play with the cDOT stuff as we are just transitioning. 95% of my stuff is written for 7-mode
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My eicar test instantly deletes thte files on all version of cDOT 8.3.x , 9.x You configured the cluster management lif, and then the file should be deleted out of the data lif. You can check with the stats on the filer
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Timothy, If you don't need the results returned as objects and just need a report you can use invoke-ncssh "aggr show-status" If I have time today I might be able to come up with something. Also, this is posted in the data ontap discussions, and there is a separate powershell forum under - http://community.netapp.com/t5/OnCommand-Storage-Management-Software-Discussions/bd-p/oncommand-storage-management-software-discussions Back in the day we used to have our own subfolder, but that got combined
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If there is an entry in snapmirror.conf on destination remove it. Also, look at the volume and look for snap list on the volume and look for a mirror snapshot to delete.
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Ok, that looks ok. I would use the convertto-formattednumber cmdlet from the data ontap module. It's easier. The last line should look like this | Export-Csv c:\NetAPP\VOL_BU_Owners_MTRAN-$today.csv -append -notypeinformation Also, I'm not sure what you are doing here Select name @{Label="VolumeName";Expression={$_.name}} You already have Name, why create an expression statement for volumename?
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So, if you search the archives in poweshell on this forum, I should have some of my scripts in there which you could use. But if you want selected columns as you do below, you are going to have to use convertto-formattednumber cmdlet with an expression statement b/c the default cmdlets use a default output. For example if you do get-navol vol1 | Select totalsize that will look much different then if you do get-navol vol1 Also, are there other volumes on the controller that you do NOT want or are those all the volumes?
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If you are running in full integration mode, it's my understanding that OPM still requires a backup. The problem is there is no scheduled backup with OPM. We are being told this is being worked on
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I would always recommend using identity preserve b/c of the CIFS server. You want the same cifs server name in DR, and not an alias or use of SPNS. It makes life easier. If your primary site is down you don't have to do anything different, you bring up the DR site and flip your DNS (we use 3DNS GTM) so its auto for us, but that is how we do it. In 9.0, we use identity preserve and discard network configs b/c our VLAN is different in the DR site. There is tons of documentation on SVM DR, but for the old timers like us, this is pretty common from the 7-mode days. It was called vfiler-dr and works amazing
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I don't see a connect to a controller, are we assuming this is done? And what is your end state goal? Give me an example. Also, there is a powershell forum under oncommand somewhere on the forum site
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There are thousands of pages of documentation plus TR. Download the ontap 9.x docs and you can go from there. Also, i'm not sure why you wouldn't want to keep the CIFS server name in DR if its an active DR.
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That's what my point was. But we are trying to get confirmation from Netapp and IBM. Makes no sense to me, if we go through a backup switch
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Appears from the IMT UTA2 ports can be configured as FC target/initiator or CNA (FCoE arget/Ethernet) mode. Both ports must be configured for the same mode and use same SFP+ type. Refer to the Cables link in this table to view supported SFP+ modules or copper twinax cables used in FC or CNA mode. X1143A cannot be used for cluster interconnect on this platform. UTA2 ports are not supported for connectivity to DS14 shelves. To connect to DS14 shelves, use the X1132A-R6 or X2054A-R6 FC adapters. UTA2 ports are not supported with IBM tape devices. Direct connection to tape drives with UTA2 ports are supported on HP, Quantum, and Tandberg tape devices, other non-IBM tape devices require a FC switch between the UTA2 port and tape drive. We are not doing direct connection, we are using a brocade backup san. Our Netapp SE is agreeing with this.
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Ok, we are going to need more data. How much volume is in LUN. What's fractional reserve, what OS are you running. You have to take that all into consideration. IS Snapdrive used.. etc....
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Well the title says it all. We are seeing conflicting information. We are finding that this configuration is NOT SUPPORTED. Can someone either confirm or deny this configuration and provide documentation. Thanks
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