^^ Very nice explanation and tip... Nice output A quick way I do is $v = Invoke-nassh "sp status" $v = $v.split("`n") $v | ? {$_ -like "*ip*"}
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We don't mind assisting when we can, but you really need to read the man pages and at least attempt at doing what you are asking.. get-nchelp *sysstat*
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Actually I was thinking about this.. Just want a list of voluems in a snapmirror So you can easily do this in 7-mode by this get-navol | ? {$_.raidstatus -match "read-only"} In cDOT, There are two ways to do this.. $v = get-ncvol -template initialize-ncobjectproperty $v VolumeMirrorAttributes $v.VolumeMirrorAttributes.IsDataProtectionMirror = $true get-ncvol -query $v | Select Name,Vserver | ft -autosize or PS C:\powershell> $vols |% { >> if (($_.VolumeMirrorAttributes).isDataProtectionMirror) {write-host $_.name} >> } >>
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It's my understanding that Netapp, there is no so thing as volume modify date. We present services, CIFS/NFS, LUNS, etc... So you have to check the client activity, cifs,nfs to determine this and then you can start the decommission process
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^^ not bad, but super complicating in my mind.. You can run a quick check on count, and keep the count less than 250 and keep with do while or do until
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Sorry, the system doesn't appear to be designed that way See the link https://library.netapp.com/ecmdocs/ECMP1368826/html/GUID-6653B102-E228-4D1E-82F1-AFF58FE144C5.html Sees you need to customize the solution.. It's very simple in powershell
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That's your issue... Youre thresholds are set up wrong... You have no snap reserve, and your util is 44%, so the system doesn't know to delete anything. You need to enable snap reserve and change your thresholds...
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If you want to use 86400 which is 24hrs, you need to use an expression within a select statement Look at my examples above.. that should help you get started
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show me vol options volname and df -Vg volname and snap reserve volname I think your trigger is wrong for this situation.. You have it set on volume
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Well, I know]Beam moved to another project or I would have emailed him.. but i'm still mostly 7-mode so I'm not so angry.. I have a convert module I added to load to my profile everytime which was done years ago... it contains the following Function Convert-UnixTime() { #[CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$True,ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [int]$utime ) Process { [TimeZone]::CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(([datetime]'1/1/1970').AddSeconds($utime)) } } Function Convert-togb() { Param ( [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$True,ValueFromPipeline=$True)] #[int]$data $data ) Process { [math]::truncate($data/1gb) } } Function Convert-totib() { Param ( [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$True,ValueFromPipeline=$True)] #[int]$data $data ) Process { [math]::truncate($data/0.90949470177293) } } You're way is creative and works as well.. But shouldn't have to do that... They had something that worked in 7-mode and didn't port it to cDOT.... Unfortunately, we are finding too many of these missed steps.. Hopefully the gaps will close soon
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I'm just curious, why you want to document SAS cabling.. this is all done on the Now site under myautosupport? Youre command looks, ok ((Get-NcStorageAdapterInfo -Name 0a -Node node1).AdapterDetailInfo.AdapterSas.AdapterSasInfo).basewwn 5:00a098:0037224:c9 You need to connect to cluster vserver not node
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If we review what Netapp did in 7-mode for snapmirror, they have absolutely done a terrible job in cDOT. The available lagtimeTS objects in 7-mode do not exist in cDOT, and i'm very disappointed /3600 is a terrible answer from netapp. The objects in 7-mode need to be ported over if they are not there In the old days we could have wrote this code get-nasnapmirror | select @{N='Date';E={(get-date).tostring('ddd MMM dd h:mm yyyy')}},Source,Destination,Status,State,` @{N='Current Lag Time';E={'{0} days, {1} hrs, {2} mins, {3} secs' -f $_.LagTimeTS.days, $_.LagTimeTS.Hours, $_.LagTimeTS.Minutes, $_.LagTimeTS.Seconds}}` ,@{expression={ConvertTo-FormattedNumber $_.lasttransfersize Datasize "0.0"};Label="Last Transfer size"} ` ,@{N='Last Transfer Time';E={'{0} days, {1} hrs, {2} mins, {3} secs' -f $_.LastTransferDurationTS.days, $_.LastTransferDurationTS.Hours, $_.LastTransferDurationTS.Minutes, $_.LastTransferDurationTS.Seconds}} |export-csv c:\temp\japansm.csv -notypeinformation
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Ok, so first things first.. Are you presenting a LUN to a file server and serving data off of it? Secondly, if it's super urgent you need to contact the support center. Third - You need to check the disk spindles. please print aggr status -r so we can look at the spindles
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Are you saying that you think you can use SAS spares for your flash pool aggr? My feeling is you will drive the IOPS fine out of your SAS spindles, and if your latency numbers show that you need SSD on sata, which would make sense, then I would stack a raid 4 with a spare if you need space.. If you are worried about failure domain, then use raid-dp.. but ssd's rebuild very fast.. If you do DP, you "should" still use a spare, as a safety, measure, so you wil be down to one writeable spindle... A high cost for your deployment... I'm not your SE, i can only speak from experience...
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Ok, you are doing all the right things... Perhaps you could have run AWA or PCS prior to purchase, where a flashcache card might have helped more.. I would in no doubt create an 18 disk rg with SAS, you will have tons of IOPS for VMS. If you are going to make a hybrid aggr, you need spares as well, you can do raid-4 with 1 spare on top
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What type of controller? Is this an HA config? What is your workload going on here? do you have flashcache card Those are all questions we need to help answer your questions. I would tend to make a 18 disk rg with 2 spares..
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