There are several ways to do this.. depending on how many you have, you can use the MMC to mount the vfiler/filer and export to csv and add or you can use oncommand, or powershell. You would need to know how to use netapp powershell - get-nacifssessions and then sum filers...
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Well - was it the wrong security style on the volume? If it was, you want to change the default security style to ntfs, that will make your life easier.. Also, just mark answer as correct, that will help. ty
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So, let me understand this a little. Did you have volume/qtree/lun? Are you trying to share out a snapmirroed volume? to clone it, just look at the vol clone cmd
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Ok, I think i might have an idea of whats going on. What's your walf default security style? options wafl.default_security_style hopefully it's NTFS - Check to see your vol status qtree (make sure volume is NTFS) Let me know what that comes back with
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This probably should have been posted in the data ontap sectoin... But I will see if i can help.. First, are you ad administrator on the vfiler? If so, you should be able to browse C$ and etc$ without an issue. What are your share level permissions when you created log into filer - run vfiler run vfilername cifs shares - Check the share access - Not sure what your standard out of the gate is, but my guess is everyone full control. And you confirmed you are part of the domain - vfiler run vfilername cifs domaininfo.
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it's 100% b/c you are using LUNs and not NFS if you are looking to remove the datastore, which means you are vacating the LUN, at that point you can remove it from the aggregate right?
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It's not good practice for someone on the forum to recommend you delete snapshots, b/c in a way they are your backup. The advice I would give you would be if you do not require those backups anymore,and they aren't needed, then it "shoud" be safe to delete without issue.
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^^ What he said. I've had a triple disk failure and it doesn't end well.. Hope you have a good snapmirror copy. I would call support asap,and they probably will have you do a wafl iron, but you need to call support for this issue
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I was just looking at the netapp support tool and it does state that you can use perfstat 8 for 7-mode, but when you click it a box comes up saying that for 7-mode they recommend perfstat 7.. argh!
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Dane - As always.. Nice job... Thanks for helping contribute I know they buried our forums so hopefully people can still find this thread and find it useful -josh
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Guys - I'm looking for an updated linkage for max open files for 32xx and 8xxx Greatly appreciated
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^^ I assume we are talking 7-mode here. Are you planning on use Oncommand to manage datasets for snapvault? If so, then you need qtrees. If you aren't planning on using OCUM, then you can do volume based via the command line. But it will be volume -> qtree vol/vol1 -> /vol/dst/qtree
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Don't take this the wrong way, but you really should be looking at the WBT's for netapp. You export the vol ,don't use qtree's for vmware
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I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it doesn't do you any good putting a 2050 in production. It's used and old and doesn't even support the new code. You were better off making a business case to mgmt on why you need new hardware.
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First of all, let me get this out of the way - Please tell me you aren't putting a 2050 in production? That's super old and is EOL. Is this for your home? Putty Serial Cable: Connect your laptop serial port to the NetApp console port. Open Putty and put the tick mark on Serial, COM port may need to be adjusted form COM1.
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So, let me answer the first question b/c it might save you all the trouble. If your DR filer and production filer have enough space where you can save, lets say 30 nightlys, then you don't need snapvault A few things - depending on how you are going to manage snapvault. Are you going to manage snapvault from OCUM or at the filer CLI? This makes a huge difference in hwo you implement sv Are you planning off coming off the primary data or coming off the mirror copy. Note, that if you come off the mirror copy, it will lock your VSM snapshot, so your VSM will not update while you are doing an SV The beauty of SV is you can have any schedules and retention you desire, You have more flexability in scheduling with OCUM, but there are some downsides. If you are already setup without qtrees, then don't think to migrate with qtrees. If you have VM's in same volume, they are all along the same ride for retention on that volume. So, if you have an exchange vm and a database vm in vol1, and your retention is 30 dailys, that's what it is for both. Only way to separate is to migrate
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Also, you want to query non-snapmirrored volumes, since you can't delete snaps on read-only volume. I'll start you with this query Get-NaVol | ? {$_.state -eq "online" -and $_.raidstatus -notmatch "read-only"}
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I see Vinith has given you the cDot cmdlets.. Are you running cDot or 7-mode.. Also - I've written something that will report on your entire environment, not delete, that is easy to add..
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This isn't that difficult.. Just do vol options to change fixed size to off and you can just resize the DR Side vol size volume (newsize) If you just found out that netapp snapmirror side is read-only, perhaps you can review some of the WBT to get yourself more familiar with this
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