3250 - We know we have mismatch flow control settings, but there's a caveat here.. As of right now i'm not seeing any XON or XOFF in transmit or receive on the interface.. Also, when NDMP isn't running we see amazing speeds, upwards of 300MB/s
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Just talking about the snapvault secondary.. We are running 10, now down to 6 streams to tape.. something very interesting is happening.. the transfer on a 10g network goes to 1Mbs.. Without NDMP tape-out we see upwards of 300Mbs.. The filer doesn't look like it's crippled.. CPU avg across all is around 50-65% and statit output around disks is about 70%. I can't figure out why the network is dropping NDMP tapeout is via a Tape are network with direct attached fiber. Running 8.2.1 Any ideas would be great
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Are you trying to do a one by one volume creation? if so why? I've used this is the past to create in bulk to mirror a setup $sfiler = read-host "Enter Source Filer" $dfiler = read-host "Enter Destination Filer" #Production Testing ##Failover testing $srcfiler= Connect-NaController $sfiler $dstfiler= Connect-NaController $dfiler #define aggr $aggr = "aggr1" $vols = Get-NaVol -Controller $srcfiler ## Loop through existing vols foreach ($vol in $vols) { $volume = $vol.name $size = $vol.totalsize # Create new Volumes on Destination Filer New-NaVol -Name $volume -Aggregate $aggr -SpaceReserve none -Size $size -Controller $dstfiler -confirm:$false #Set Volume Settings Set-NaSnapshotReserve -TargetName $volume "0" -Controller $dstfiler #Prepare volume for Snapmirror - Restrict volume Set-NaVol -Name $volume -restricted -Controller $dstfiler # Setup snapmirror up Invoke-NaSnapmirrorInitialize -destination $dfiler":"$volume -Source $sfiler":"$volume -Controller $dstfiler # Setup Snapmirror Schedule Set-NaSnapmirrorSchedule -destination $dfiler":"$volume -Source $sfiler":"$volume -minutes "15" -hours "0-23/4" -daysofmonth * -daysofweek * -Controller $dstfiler } That will setup the volumes on the new target controller, and start snapmirrors
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Ok, so a few things.. How are you doing your snapvaults, are you having DFM protection manager control your policies, or are you doing them directly from the command line. As per the snapvault best practice guide, all destination snaps should be disabled, snap sched volname 0 Snapvaults should be controlling when the snapshot gets taken, that's how it works. so for example, a snapvault that is controled from DFM initiates a snapvault transfer and then takes an preserves a snapshot based on the policy you set. If you aren't using DFM, then it's done from the CLI with retention policy. The whole point of snapvault is that it replicates data and then takes a snapshot... volume snapshots on the destination via snap sched are not a good idea.
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There are multiple ways to handle this... My advice would be to run a 3x5 perfstat during the times of high utilization and open a support case with netapp to have them help read the perfstat. The other ways you can do this is priv set diag mode and run statit -b - wait 30 seconds, run statit -e This will give you a lot of information. Especially some of the aggregates and what the disks are doing... Plus, you can play with the stats command, but you need to know what you are looking for..
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i apologize, i read it to fast... 2520 sounds better.. So, if you want HA mode with 12 disks (which is hard) You will run active/passive setup, (confusing b/c it's really active/active, but all your data will be on one head) So, Controller A - 8 disks aggr0 1 spare controller b - raid 4 aggr0 - 2 disks, one spare There's your 12 disks... This is a new controller so if you are having problems with setting that up, just give support a call
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First things first, why are we setting up a 2050 as a new controller. This is EOA, you should consider upgrading. If you want to setup in HA mode, you need to do the following Combine aggr0 with data on one node. and make the other node raid-4. The problem is you don't have a lot of disks, so you can use one hot spare on each head... The reality of it is, you need a newer controller and more disks.
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^^ - Netappdocs module is something new to me.. Is that something internal? I've never seen that before so I can't assist with the troubleshooting
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I see a 2TB lun and a 2TB lun presented to Vmware. I'm not good with Gui's Give me this command from the filer vol size (volumename) and df df -Vg (volumename)
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^^ From a pure best practices you shouldn't have to do a select volumename b/c get-nasnapshot will accept from the pipeline the proper vol name Try this to see if this works just in your powershell console get-navol | % { write-host "Volume Name:" $_.name get-nasnapshot $_.name } See if you get output from that Also - what were your specs again and what toolkit version
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Ok, so here is my disclaimer.. I'm not here to tell you how to run your Active Directory domain forest and trees, but think closely about what you are asking and doing. These aren't Netapp questions, they are more along the lines of Active Directory questions..
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unless someone proves me wrong, i don't believe this is possible. You can't lock roles down to volumes. If I were you, I would build a powershell front end for your user or WFA workflow
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